

the mirage of love . prologue
story description

The story revolves around a teenage boy named Asher,who has frequent dreams and deja vu.who is trapped in a reality where he cannot distinguish between the realworld and the dreamworld.He loses someone he loves,gets into fake relationships.but He met someone who will change his destiny,change his life.so he embark on journey of spiritual renissance not in the outside realm,but inside the universe in himself.He fights his inner demons.This journey gives him the insights on the truth that the universe is just his thought in action and all things around him is connected.Will he be able to put a stop to his ever ending nightmares? read more to know


We all see visions and dejavus ..some remember it , some forget it , some ignore it,some interpret it….what if life itself is just a dream of someone prime?The mystery of life itself is unanswerable. It all began in a dream .Dream is something pleasant isn’it?it wasn’t a dream,It was a nightmare.Sorry,only fairytales starts with a happy beginning and has a happy ending.                                                

It was a sultry summer night, Asher was lying on his back ,slipping in deepsleep.but soon he found himself in another plane, but the place was familiar.It was  the lake in his neighbourhood where he and his friends used to spend his leisure time.Asher was sweating,he felt the dream so real and vivid.He then saw the weather changing in a second,the sky becoming dark are coal.He saw his brother,nathan standing near the lake.A dark figure was behind his brother. whole structure of the figure was blurry and beyond comprehension for Asher,the figure then pushed nathan in the water and vanished.He saw nathan was begging for his life,Asher tried to jump into the water for his brother but an invisible barrier was blocking him.The next vision of the nightmare was shocking for asher that he woke up in a scream.what he saw was the lifeless corpse of his brother.

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