

fairytale of love 1
In the beginning, everything was going well, there was love, there was care, we used to talk for hours without any topic,
He used to take care of my every little thing.
I adopted his possesiveness as love,
Letting go of his doubts as love,
Considering his anger as my concern, adopted him too
But it was my fault
I adopted more love instead of love, considering every small and big thing as a command without asking any question, yet you came and asked what you have done Every relationship is different, every person is different, relationship is made by the love, trust, understanding and care of two people, what was earlier love has turned into doubt, today I have to prove myself in everything. If so, then why after being cheated in the first relationship, you get tied in the second relationship when the wounds of the first are not healed, then how will you be able to get into the second relationship?
© feelshr❤️
#Love&love #Love&love! #broken #Heart @Writco @writing_dn