

I remembered something happened on Saturday morning, it was a peaceful morning until a slender black body stormed into my room and walked straight to the cabinet like a quiet angry tyrant rummaging in search of something. I looked at her in puzzlement wondering what could have cause the change of attitude in her this morning after she left in a gleeful manner for work last night. She kept going round the room focused on her search until i couldn't bear it any longer so i broke the silence with my gentle ocean voice.
" Esther, what are you looking for?"

"What?" She replied icily.

"I am asking if there is anything you are looking for in case i happen to come across it "

"My money!" she barked.

I wasn't taken at her comment so i remained calm to process what she actually said to me. The girl across me happened to be our other roomie as well, turned her head to the wall as if she was absent minded -count her as the third roommate. Well, we got the forth roommate who was just standing and watching the whole thing trying to make herself useful.

"Where did you put the money?" She tried.

The slender black girl who happened to be Esther didn't answer, she was still in her search. She moved to the mattress then to the windows then to the bags and then back to the cabinet frustrated. She got up and went to wardrobe to undress, came out with a sour face heading straight to bed to hide, i guess.

In a second, there was scenario between the four of us like that of a movie with perfect dialogue to demonstrate.

© poetcspirit