

forest of darkness

Long ago a girl and her mother went to pick flowers, while father worked.
As they picked flowers, the girl told her mother that she wanted to pick the very best for father.
The girl knew the forest had the flowers she wanted.
So she ran away from her mother.
The mother yelled telling the girl to come back. But the deeper she went the less she heard her mother's voice.
Before the girl knew it she was lost and it was dark. The girl kept walking hoping to find her village.
Her throat became dryer the scarier it got,
She found a pond while walking before she took a drink.
A monster appeared that looked like a beautiful woman she came out of the pond, and looked at the girl she said. "Here drink this".
The monster held out her hand, and the girl took a drink.
When the girl was done the monster disappeared.
The girl continued to walk, Eventually she found her way into a graveyard.
It was cold and the girls flimsy clothes were not warm.
As she walked another monster appeared. Holding a needle and thread the monster told the girl. "Here take this".
As the monster created her a new set of warmer clothes. The girl was so happy as she said thank you, the monster disappeared.
She continued walking hoping to find her village.
After a while her stomach began to rumble. She was so hungry, but then another monster appeared.
The monster looked at the girl and said. "Here take this".
In the monsters hand was a golden apple. The girl took it and started to eat.
As she smiled the monster disappeared.
With her belly full she continued walking, until she was at an old castle.
She walked closer until she saw another monster.
The monster was standing in front of the entrance. It looked like a hores.
The monster said nothing as the girl came closer.
The girl noticed that the monster had a gold flower on its head.
Thinking that it was a gift she grabbed the flower.
As she held it in her hands the monster grew mad and called for the other monsters.
One by one the Monster's appeared and were angry at the girl.
They became one turning into a witch. The witch looked at the girl and told her, that all she did was take and as punishment.
The witch put the girl in a deep sleep and locked her away in the castle.
The mother and father searched for the girl and discovered she was in the castle.
As they ran toward the castle the witch appeared.
The father fought the witch, while the mother ran inside and grabbed the girl.
The mother found the girl asleep, but she would not wake up.
So the mother cryed and the tears that fell woke the girl from her deep sleep.
The girl smiled as the mother hugged her tight. The Father told mother to take her away from here and dont look back.
As the mother ran holding the girl tight, the forest started to set on Fire and turn to ash.

To this day it is said, anyone who looks at the burnt forest shell fall into a deep sleep and dream of picking flowers. (The End)
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