

Putting on an act part 3
Wait so let me get this straight. You think that Sarah is using me just because you overheared a conversation she was having with Violet? I know she is Mark she just wants her reputation back not you. Okay you know what Gabby if you think that you won't get to spend time with her or anything like that I won't keep you from her I don't see why she would still be your friend though. Mark if you don't listen to me you're gonna regret this I promise you that you're gonna. Yeah right, all you do is lie Gabby just like a snobby little liar now get away from me.
You're gonna regret this Mark.
Back to Sarah's POV:
Well I'm supposed to meet up with Mark today so I'll ask Violet what I should wear. I call Violet and she says to go with the white dress or I should ask what he's wearing to match with that. So I call and ask him and find out he's wearing a blue suit. So I get a blue dress and some blue shoes and spend the entire day getting ready. Then I hear a knock at my door so I open it to see the one and only backstabbing liar Gabby. What do you want? Get off my property before I call the police. I just wanted to let you know that I told Mark everything you're doing he doesn't believee but he will and he'll find out you're a dirty little rat. Shut up Gabby, I'm so tired of you thinking you can always get in my business all day everyday day so if you don't leave I'll spray the hose on you.
Whatever Sarah,but you won't get away with playing with people's feelings that way it'll come ba-. Ok I don't care shut up and leave already I say cutting her off. Whatever Sarah but I'll be watching you. I don't even care about her warning if she thinks I'm scared of her she's completely mistaken. I go up to my room again and keep on doing my hair and then when seven comes around I go ahead and leave for the taco hut. Anyway when I see Mark I see Gabby showing him her phone and he's looking at me with digust.
Really Sarah? You're just gonna use me like this? You know what don't ever talk to me again we're done.
End of chapter 3.