

Alder Manor
Some dreams are meant to come true. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do you run the opposite way or face your fears?

Ma taught me to face my fears. But I taught myself to run away.

Ma wasn't brave though. If she was then I'd have been happier—but she wasn't. She just taught me to be strong so that I wouldn't be like her. But it seemed weakness was an inborn nature.

Ma was a lowly servant maid at Alder manor. I have been there just once, that was when ma first took the job at the end of summer. She used to be a washer woman. I was hungry that day and had gone to meet ma hoping to get a bite. Because I knew the people of Alder manor often had more than enough to spare. But I couldn't meet ma. The gatekeepers wouldn't let me in, when I begged and cried they called a patrolling guard on me.

As the guard tossed me out, I hunkered down by the road and cried my eyes red. Then the sound of horses and wheels made me raise my head. A beautiful carriage pulled by two black as night horses passed by me.

"halt!"a deep voice called from inside the carriage. The surprised coachman yanked on the reins to stop the steeds.

The curtain opened and a beautiful youthful face peeked through "who are you?" that deep voice.

I tilted my head but did not bow. I didn't know then that one should bow to nobles "Jane...and who're you?"

The boy raised a brow in amusement "call me Tom"

I grinned from ear to ear forgetting my hunger.

"Pleasure to meet ya Tom"

but just then my stomach gave a particularly loud growl as if annoyed at having been forgotten.

The youth stared at me and I stared back even as my cheeks burned with embarrassment. Then he retreated into the carriage. I was dismayed thinking I had lost a new friend when the carriage opened and he stepped out.

I fidgeted then looked away when he came closer. His shadow fell on me yet he got closer and when I was ready to turn and run he grabbed my hand and place a folded cloth in it. I frowned, the cloth was warm. I peeled back the layers to see two loaves of bread.

"blueberries" my mouth watered as the delicate fragrance filled my senses

Tom gave a small smile and said "eat up" before he mounted the coach and with a 'go' it drove through the gates into the manor.

That was the best meal I ever had.

Ma worked hard day and night, but got paid little, pa helped—he helped burn through our resources.Once ma got paid he'd hit her and take the money to drink and gamble away.

It was the same that night. Pa left after taking the few gold coins ma had. Through the open window, I watched him head to the Eagle eye pub, and I knew we would be going hungry yet again.

I sat cross-legged outside the house despite the cold weather. My stomach grumbled but I couldn't complain. Who could I complain to? Definitely not father, and mother? all she would do is look at me in helpless pity.

So I listened to the sound my stomach made and tried not to cry.
There is a forest behind my house—I called it a forest but it was more of a dense cluster of trees. It covered a lot of land but not enough to be named a forest. Well, whenever there was no food I'd traipse through the trees till I found some wild berries and fruits to staunch my hunger.

I'd never gone at night though. Mother always bought food when she is paid, then the little silver coins that are left are taken by pa. But today ma had caught a bad cold, so a maid from Alder manor had brought her pay. And father directly took it all.

From my perch, I stared at the shadowy trees deep in thought. I truly couldn't bear another night without food. So I gathered courage and picked a sturdy stick from our winter pile, and entered the house. Walking on my tip toes I passed ma's sleeping form to the little fire place. Once the stick caught flame and I had put on an extra winter coat, I turned and left the house.

For a few minutes I stood at the shadowy edge of the forest. Then one step at a time hunger drove me to face my fears.

...to be continued

© MH17Angel