

The long searched place
For the past years I wandered around all kinds of streets, just searching for a satisfying place.
in the bars of idleness I rested and in shadows of loneliness I wept, because only strange faces and voices occupied all my comfort zones. No one could really read those silent wishes that dwelled in my heart. No one minded about what my mind carried with it.
It wasn't love, no! It wasn't money never.
It was the secret place where happiness laid. Happiness from within pure hearts that never betray what sits inside. It was a place with people speaking a common language. with one word said in multiple voices echoing in all corners of life.
That place where thoughts are poured with less care to criticism.
And indeed I found that golden place where hearts meet just on papers to mend the broken hearts.
I call it the literature world... that long searched home for people like me who shade their sickness on paper.
And that place is over here and over there where you too sit.
© Monica Nalumu