

Mørsē cødē
One day on a regular night, I stayed up until 3. I was scrolling through the newest news. One caught my eye, with the title of: girl has gone missing: when her parents tried to find her, they heard a Morse code.

I scrolled down more until I found the code. It was: - .... .. ... ....... .--. .-.. .- -.-. . ....... .. ... ....... -.. .- -. --. . .-. --- ..- ... .-.-.- ....... .. ....... -. . . -.. ....... - --- ....... .-.. . .- ...- .

A cold breeze went down my spine. I knew Morse code perfectly, by heart. It read: this place is dangerous I need to leave

I stared at the screen... Unable to speak, I got paralyzed.... The room was swirling MY HEAD WAS POUNDING AND JUST BEFORE I KNEW IT...

The girl- THE GIR-......

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