

Are They aware of "Mental Health "
Now a days people are talking about mental health!
But may I ask
How many people are aware of this fact?
Most of just speaking.
But still a lack of awareness!!
The most shocking facts I've traced ,
Now a days people fear to trust &
They find out a very less amount of trustworthy people to conface or share!
That's hampers their mental & psychological well being.
They fear to accept truth & trying to indulge in the social platforms to just prove themselves that how happy they are.
But Up's that's actually not right!
Besides there's some people who don't found their family members to be understanding.
Due to pursuing a busy professional life
Some parents find it hard to give their child proper attention ..
It's creating a lack of communication and
Children find them alone.
Consequently they fall in different kinds of addiction & committing different unnecessary things.
It's hampering their adolescent phage!
So lack of communication!
It's also affecting their understanding & the child trying to make some boundaries and the distance between parents and child goes on!
isn't it's a bitter truth?
Take care of yourself..

© deyanushree