

Immortals: Gate of Earth part 1
Well I guess its time the find the first gate the silver cloaked man said something about. I looked around and saw the sven colors in the sky and figured the dark orange almost brown color was earth so that's the way I started walking. After a short time I started seeing a tall structure and a figure in the distance. I got closer and saw he was by himself motionless and looking at me. "Are you looking for me or someone else" I asked him to no response. It was then that he turned and did something to the structure. It opened and I saw a gate with an emblom of a mountain with what looked like spikes in the middle of it. The man the was gone, he vanished after opening the way.
I started towards the gate and it started to open letting me in and a sandstorm out. I looked behind me to find the gate was gone. I was now in the middle of a desert in a sandstorm. "The hell am I to do now. I started walking foward hoping I find someone or something soon. After what seemed like hours the storm storm ended and as it calmed down I started to see broken structures made of sandstone. A giant walked out of one of the stuctures and I noticed then who it was.
Muggog was looking up at me. "Your out of place round here. Who might you be" he exclaimed as he walked to me as if we were friends or something.