

Mister Virus chapter 23.
Mister Virus upon receiving the news that I returned to college, he did not like it very much. He began to put a plan of attack to make me return to the capital. The annoyance in the small room started because he sent to tell the woman who rent me the house that I don't like clean and I don't like to close the water pumps. And he also started very subtly with the professors at the university. Things that I will tell you more ahead.

I did not have to pay for electricity in the small room, the owner of the house told me that I could have a refrigerator but no electric stove. I could not buy food every day, even though the owner of the house told me not to buy a stove electric I had to buy one of a single position to cook. I lived in the last corridor, I went in and out like everyone else, because there were many students lived in the building. So when you leave the street and enter there will always be dirt in the past. and when I cleaned the room, I always cleaned from the inside to outside.

The lady had to come every Friday to clean, now she stops coming only on Fridays, she comes more days in the week to make my life impossible because they had already given a warning that I did not like to clean and close the pump of water when I finished to use it.

The defamation starts from the neighbors living in the building with me to the woman who rent me the little room. The lady of the house came from time to time to attack me, she came, knocked at my door when I opened she told me: hey in front of your door is dirty, you have to clean it... She almost always came to knock the door of my house to tell me only this.

The last time she came, she knocked and I opened her as always and she told me again: heyyy you don't clean, I'm going to take 50 pesos to clean in the hands of everyone in the building.

I answered her, look woman, you have to stop bothering me. You always come to tell me that I didn't clean, now if you don't want me to stay at your room anymore, tell me that and I'll go find another one. And I said to her, you have to leave me alone and I close the door.

I was very uncomfortable in the small room and my grandmother too. And they tried to make me feel more uncomfortable. They always shut off the water and when I asked them: they answered me: The tube is damaged. The tube was damaged a lot, the tube was fixed a lot. Maybe he said to his flying monkeys that they have to make those cutting and fixing the water to make me remember the water pump that I did not like to close where I used to live in the capital. It was that lie that Mister Virus would want to get into my head through his flying monkeys so they can find a reason to torment my life. But he could never make me see my reality in another way, and that was the biggest problem of Mr Virus, for which he began to realize that I am not manipulable.

You could see that they wanted to make my life miserable by the order of Mister Virus.They would want to make my life impossible until I decided to leave the building myself.

The perverse narcissist is not going to send their flying monkeys to tell you the things directly, they are going to annoy you, annoy and annoy you until you can't take it anymore and decide to do what they want you to do. It is that the perverse narcissist especially the covert functions. You could see that they believed in the lies that the perverse narcissist told about me. And the woman who always came, it really was too much for me.

You could feel the pressure from those flying monkeys inside the building. I began to greet and share with the neighbors, we were neighbors and we went to the same university, we had enough to share. I began to notice the changes from them towards me. I talked to them, they laughed...

I remembered, there was one of the neighbors who invited me to see his apartment. It was only two small rooms that they had in the building then everything was studio apartments. He invited me to come in and he had already made his food, he asked me if I would like to eat with him, I had food in my small room, even I already made breakfast for my grandmother and I. Sometimes I bought pizza, and other things and I offered them, they accepted and we ate together. I told in myself, is for the first time, that neighbor offered me to eat with him, why not accept. I answered him yes I do.

When I began to eat, suddenly this neighbor told me without asking: look, I don't have any more to give you. I eat a lot, that is for me for later.It's like I had asked for some more food.

The perverse narcissists manipulate even with food, if you are going through a very difficult time, they may think that you are hungry and send their flying monkeys to humiliate you with a plate of food. They can come to stand in front of you with a plate of food, a sandwich, a juice while they look at you.

Flying monkeys act according to what the narcissist says about you, they will not think if what he says is true or false. They have a mission to fulfill and they are going to fulfill it whether it is true or not. That boy had been manipulated in that way to invite me to eat and then tell me that he doesn't have much to give me, it's like I was the one who came to ask him.

I bought the electric stove, I would not want the owner of the house to know, but when I shared with the neighbors of the building, I told them that I had a small electric stove to cook. They were not my friends and they have to tell everything what happened to me at the mandate of mister Virus. They call the woman of the house to tell her that I am using an electric stove. She came, knocked on my door and told me: The light went up and you have to pay me 200 pesos more for the light because you are using electric stove. I would stand in front of the door, she wanted to push the door to enter in the room and see if I am using or not an electric stove.

She told me: let me come in and see if you don't have an electric stove inside because I know you do. I pushed my door and I did not let her in and I answered her, madam, if the light went up, you are not going to bring me only that receipt, you will also bring me some other receipts where you have paid for the electricity previously and that you have not uploaded to compare it with that receipt that you have now, only like this I will pay you.

She did not want to. I repeated it again, if that continued, give me a few days and I will find another place to live. I had already paid for the first month, the second month after all the discussion, she came to collect the rent, I paid her and again we go for the second month.

The third discussion was about my grandmother, she began to tell me that older ladies are not accepted here. When I passed by, the attention of the neighbors had put more, more and more on me, one day when I went down the stairs, I saw that there was a notice pasted on the wall: Electric stoves are not accepted here, elderly ladies are not accepted, Everyone has to pay 50 pesos for cleaning. When I saw it, I felt that the message was directing towards me because I have already had several discussions with her about that and the neighbors who were here are neighbors who have lived for many years, and she always came every Friday to clean. My question was: Why is it now that she is asking for 50 pesos for cleaning? I realized that the virus man had poisoned them against me, I decided to find another place and not pay that woman anymore.

The first two months were over and she had come to collect the third month. One of my brothers had to send me the money and he did not send it to me on time. He told me that I had to wait next week. She came to collect and I told her to come by next week because I still haven't it.

My grandmother was an old lady when she did not feel well, she began to scream and she did say that I was coming to put her in jail. I would like to quickly find another place to go and leave the room.

My friend, who let me spend the night at her house, had stopped living with her other friend, the one who passed my room to my grandmother for a few days. The lady came Friday and I did not have the money to pay her for the third month, early Sunday I got up to go to the church where my friend was, I went because I felt that need to go to worship God. When the church was finished, I met my friend who invited me to her new house. I had already commented that I needed a place to rent. She told me that on the third floor above there are two medical students who live together, one has just graduated and is leaving this week in Haiti, talk to her so that She will give you the room, so you can live with another who is almost also going to graduate very soon and you will pay half and she will pay half the price of the apartment and the electricity.

It was an apartment located on the third floor of a building, it had two very nice rooms with all their clothes, it had a nice living room, a gallery and a bathroom. I went to look at the apartment and I like it, I would have more space for me and my grandmother. I talked about her price with her, it was less than the price I paid in the first room, more than I had to return to her half of the deposit that she paid with the other friend.

I was not going to have all the money to give to her because my brother was going to send me 50 dollars if I remember correctly. I told her that I am going to bring you half of it and the other half I will send it to you in Haiti . The other one who lived with her was a very nice person, she told me look, I'm going to give her the other half for you and then you'll return it to me.

She had to leave on a Wednesday, I talked to my brother and he sent me the money on Tuesday, and that same Tuesday I went to bring her the money, she left early on Wednesday and on Thursday I looked for a little bus, I paid for it something, I moved myself and my grandmother to the apartment. I left the key to the small room in the hand of one of the neighbors to give it to the woman for me.

Two weeks later I met the lady who came to complain to me saying: hey, what did you do to me: you left without notifying me, and you left me the key thrown away. I answered her, ma'am, I didn't even know that I was going to leave. It was a surprise, that's why I didn't have time to tell you.

I think she for herself wouldn't want me to go out, but since they were telling her so many things about me, she didn't know what to do that's why she always came to claim me. Because if she really wanted to, she wasn't going to come collect me for the third month and also the idea was not to tell me to go out directly, the idea was to annoy me, make me feel bad to go out myself on my own. Mister Virus succeeded but I left for a better place. That had to happen to be able to find a place with much more space for me and my grandmother to live.

But the other question is: Could it be that after I move into the apartment, Mr. Virus is going to stop chasing me? We will see in the next chapter.

© RebChrist888