


© Sha Ron

✍️✍️ Sharon obasi

Chapter 7.

David is very angry but he didn't know what to do.Is he supposed to beat her or throw her out?.
This is all his mother's fault,why would she bring a lady from God knows where and claim she's his wife,but what if it's true.All this thought ran through his mind,he had been upstairs in his room and had heard his sister leave,she must be angry as usual but she's not his problem now.

He undressed and walked sluggishly into his bathroom,took a warm bath and retired to bed,he will face her tomorrow morning when he must have thought carefully of what to do overnight,he's too tired to go down there and shout , shouting has done more harm to him than good.

What he doesn't understand is why such a beautiful lady would accept to marry someone she barely know, and she seems learned.
Anyways,why wouldn't she,if she hears that he's stinking rich and handsome,she will accept wholeheartedly.And seeing his beautiful abode,she is obviously not ever ready to go.

Her food smelt fabulous,his friend had enjoyed it while he shouted his roof down,even as much as he wants to close his eyes and go to sleep,the aroma kept penetrating into his nostrils,he swallowed his saliva.His stomach made a muffled sound reminding him of how hungry he has been.

He heard footsteps and knew she's still awake,wait!,is she actually coming towards his room?!.

He threw the sheets up to shoulder length and closed his eyes tightly in pretense that he's asleep.

First,a wrap on the door,then,the knob turned and the door opened slowly,he didn't move, maybe if she sees that he's asleep,she will go, what's she doing here anyway....

Diana looked at David's posture on his bed and knew that he's not sleeping,but he seemed tired and hungry.She had come up with a tray of food for him,she  practically laid the tray on a sideboard beside his king sized bed,

"Goodnight hubby,I know you are not in the mood for love this night,am sorry for being here but I can't leave,if you need anything,am at your service"She  blurted and rolled her eyes, she's sure he's listening to her.She licked her suddenly dry lips and made to leave before the temptation pushing through her mind led her further.She closed the door quietly behind her and went for the room beside his which she had  cleaned up for her stay.

David opened his eyes slowly when he had the door close.

"Bitchy angel"he muttered and went to open the food.
He didn't hesitate to take the spoon,he quickly went and locked the door noiselessly then,sat down to savour the food.

He ate everything on the tray in five minutes and drank one full small sized eva bottle water and wished for more,he didn't realize till this very moment how hungry he had been.Now, he's full but the food's taste carries a full load of temptation on it's own.He didn't want to risk going downstairs into the kitchen to look for more, she's surely going to catch him.
He shifted the tray pan to a corner and went to bed.He drifted to sleep thinking of her............


"Good morning honey!"Diana shouted at David's door banging on it to make sure he wakes up.She's really happy this morning,yes!, she's enjoying this wife game.A big prank to Mr arrogant young man.

"It's a brand new day sweetheart,wakie wakie!!"She shouted again rolling her eyes mischievously.

David woke angrily and covered his ears with his pillow case in attempt to escape the noise,but it's not working;

"Oh shit!"He snorted and rose,he walked briskly to the door and opened it with all his strength.

"What the hell do you want?!"He shouted at her face which is beautifully alluring this morning.

She stumbled backwards and tilted her head oneside,

"That's not the way to greet your wife .....this ... morning sweetie"She said batting her lashes.

"Like seriously?!"he shouted and added slowly"how much did my mom pay you to come torment me Diana?"


"Wow!,I have actually become a tormenting spirit,one who gives food to it's prey"
She said looking directly past him , David got the motion and shaked his head in disarray.

"You are stupid"he meant to be serious but his features exposed him when his mouth twitched in amusement.

"I know,that's why am here"she smiled and walked past him into his room,carried her tray and left fully aware of his eyes following her .

David wanted to go to bed again but saw his wall clock,it's 7:43 am,he needs to get ready for work.
He went downstairs and heard noises in the kitchen,he wants to go into the bathroom for a shower but the drive to see her was more powerful than anything else.
He peeped inside the kitchen and watched her wash the dishes,the washing sponge fell off her hand to the floor,she made to pick it,he swallowed hard as his whole being rose in appreciation of her backside.His head became blank as she watched her resume her washing.He simply pushed the door open and saw her startled figure looking at him.

"Gosh!, am I to learn how to get used to my husband's shocking nature of scaring me,I almost dropped this plate"She said keeping the plate she's holding.

"Ehm...maybe....I have to go"he forgot everything he had rehearsed to say to her .

"I don't remember inviting you to my kitchen, anyways your breakfast is on the table and everything you need is inside the bathroom so,go get ready for work honey"Diana said,he didn't say anything,he nodded and closed the kitchen door.
Diana smiled,he seems calm  and quiet this morning.

David hadn't noticed the food in the dinning when he passed it to the kitchen,but now he looked at the table and went closer to take a look at what she made for breakfast,fried eggs and bacon.He putted his hand into the plate of bacon to steal a piece but her voice behind him made him jump.

"Trying to steal my meat?,have you brushed?, didn't know I have a long throat for a husband"She said in amusement and he simply went into the bathroom.


"I trust Diana, she's going to deal with David,she will really pay him in his own coins,you all needed to see the look on my brother's face when I went there yesterday!"Tricia kept nagging to Maggie and Nadia,both laughed uncontrollably.
Nadia had come to spend some time with Tricia,she had found both Tricia and her mom best clowns she ever knew.There and then,she got gisted about Diana's coming and going to play a temporary holiday based game.
It's alot of fun,and she wishes to see for herself.

"I can't believe Diana is actually doing that,how's Melvin taking it?"Nadia countered.

Melvin is Diana's boyfriend.

"He doesn't know about it,it all ends this holiday so I didn't think it's nice to tell him though Diana said he keeps pestering her to tell him where she's spending the holidays for him to come over"

"Ok, at least he won't think it to be something else,you know how jealous he could be"Nadia added.

"Oh yes!,more reason why I shunned her from telling him"Tricia said licking her lips.

"Young ladies!,this is such a boring weekend let's go shopping,I need to get new things"Maggie chipped in.

"That's my mom,but I don't have money to shop"Tricia whined.

"Go to your brother,I don't have money to shop for a fellow woman, your mates are all married"

"Jeez mom!,it's not David again,you want to start with me huh?!"Tricia's eyes popped out.

"It's true dear,go get your man to foot your bills for you honey,Nadia am I lying here?"Maggie laughed at her daughter's reaction to her comment.

"Oh no ma,that's exactly what we have been suggestion to her in school,I mean me and Diana basically"Nadia answered all smiles.

"Nice of you, anyways let's go to an amusement park,I need to have fun,I will go see David and his new wife tomorrow and know how they are fending"Maggie said standing up.

"Alright,let's get going!"Tricia followed her mother.
Nadia grabbed her handbag and followed suit.

Diana looked from the table to David's face.
He is busy chewing the remains of fried eggs in his mouth while Diana mopped at him.
She had gone upstairs to clean the rooms up,only to come down to see that the food she served on the table for two,are all gone.David cared less about her reaction,he drank a full glass of water and took a toothpick.

"Let me guess that you hid my food somewhere"Diana said sitting opposite him.

"Which food?"David replied picking his teeth.

"My food!,I served yours and mine right on this table and I went upstairs only to come down here to find nothing,not even a drain of food!"Diana fused.

"Are you trying to tell me that you served that little food for the two of us?"David asked raising an eye brow,when she nodded,he continued"big joke,am sure there's more in the kitchen....am not yet full"

It's with great control that David didn't laugh at her reaction,she had come to play with his guts,it's a good thing he knows how to play such games,let them play till the end,she will surely run if he shows her his shitty side.

"You ate up everything and.........jeez David you are so unbelievable!"Diana almost lost it.

"You are my wife sweetie and it's up to a wife to satisfy her husband in all ramifications,excuse me"David said pointedly and stood to leave.

Diana's expression worsened when she saw that he only had a towel around his waist.
This is a freaky joke,he actually came out from the bathroom and finished off her food,she's done ....

"You will sure pay for this David!"She shouted at his retreating back.He turned twitching his mouth in a wicked grin .

"Am ready for that, anyways aren't you supposed to call me honey? Am your sweet husband dear"He whined and exited to his room.

Diana's eyes widened, she's so going to deal with him,she loves where it's taking them to,just that she doesn't know whether she should laugh or burst into tears....


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