


The lighthouse located on the Scottish island Eilean Mor is known for the mysterious story of the disappearance of 3 adult men. It happened in 1900 when the main watcher of the lighthouse, Joseph Moore, said goodbye to his coworkers and left to the shore station of Breasclete. That’s how the first assistant of the watcher Thomas Marshall, the second assistant, James Ducat, and his assistant Donald McArthur, were left alone on the island on the 5th

The lighthouse on the Eilean Mor island
10 days later, the Breasclete station got a notification from the crew of the Archtor ship. The sailors reported that there was no light on the lighthouse and that was going against all instructions. However, it was assumed that there was no serious reason so nobody went to the island to check whether everything was alright.

Joseph Moore arrived at the island on the 26th of December after a strong storm and couldn’t find anyone in the lighthouse. The doors and windows of it were locked, the raincoats of the lightkeepers were hanging inside, the lamps were fueled up, but the clocks were not moving.

The thing that was disturbing the order was a dinner table that was turned upside down. The men were not found in any of the rooms but Moore was sure that his employees couldn’t leave the lighthouse all together because, first of all, it was prohibited by the instructions and, additionally, the men were experienced and responsible people.

During the investigation process, every inch of the tiny island had been checked but no traces of Thomas Marshall, James Ducat, or Donald McArthur were found. There are many outlandish theories on this occasion: evil spirits, aliens, and even fantastically giant birds.

However, the investigation sticks to a more prosaic version: presumably, foreseeing an upcoming storm, the men went to the rocks to fix the equipment but were suddenly washed away by big waves, which were not a rare event in that area. Perhaps, it was a strong unwillingness to finish their work in the squally wind and the heavy rain that made them go against the instructions and leave the lighthouse together.