

Seeing my worth
I've lived so long believing I was too unworthy, not smart enough, not pretty enough,not financially well off enough to be valuable in the eyes of anyone but I am going to say that my morals are superior to the morals of those I have surrounded myself with for so long. Through the eyes of these people, I was simply someone to manipulate or use for their own benefits as means to get something they wanted. Everything I have I have worked for or earned on my own with no help from anyone but I have always given everything away to those that I love because I do like giving to others. But I have been naively thinking that one day I will see appreciation and gratitude and possibly when I am in a time of need, one of these so called lovers that I had at the time or the friends (that never seem to remember me) would be here for me at the very least without me having to ask. I thought my generous deeds and selfless acts of trying to please everyone but myself would come back to me in a way one day that made it all worth it. And it would have been worth it had the people I relentlessly...