

Peace is Within.

It's not about having a lot of stuff or having a lot of money to be rich. It all comes down to how you live your life.
Rich word doesn't always means monetary richness, there's richness is kindness, there's richness in beauty, there's richness in how you make someone's day by doing little things for them, how you love yourself and such.
You can live in the most expensive apartment, you can travel the world, you can eat all of the savoury dishes with exotic flavours from all around the world, you can buy everything you want, but, it comes down to an end, how long will you be happy doing all such rare things? these rare things which become "regular things" at the end. You won't click pictures when you go to StarBucks or buy something from Gucci everyday. It will become an everyday thing for you. You will get bore, you will have money but no happiness. Then you'll see a little boy sitting on the corner of a road playing happily with his brother.
That's when you'll realise that even if you travel the world, you won't find this bond elsewhere and that's what you need to keep moving.

© tvisha