

Love at stake Episode 02
From the day my parents died, I was alone, No one cared about me, my grandma hated me and used to close me in a dark room.
My mom every time used to say that you won't be alone, Someone will one day come for you.
And Sia, My true friend, My bestie came to me.
We are more than soul mates, She is all time present with me, Isn't it?
"We are more than soul mates,"
But ,"I guess you don't love me now anymore "
No, "I love you as my bestie"
If, you love me then" Why were you thinking about Andrew ?"

If, you want to leave me for Andrew, then You will be all alone,
"He will also left you like all did! "

No,"I won't let this happen," "I want you to be my friend forever," I won't think about anyone else "

"Promise me you won't think about him!"

"Promise "

At the morning :

Lily my colleague came to me and said,
Hey! Sophia, You were yesterday asking about Andrew, There he is,

No, I don't now.......
Was I? Really?
I guess you're wrong!
Or? But,"I can't remember for what I was asking for him? "

Oh! Is it!
Then I may have been mistaken,
OK then, Just forget it, I was saying, Will you come with us for the camp.......

Dear, Lily," I am actually getting late for my class, I will met you after my class"

Huh! How much things I have ignored for you,
But Sia, I can't ignore you,
I don't understand why I'm too lonely from other guys or All are alone like me,
At Evening, In the Park :

(Walking in opposite direction)

I like to come here, I feel very fresh and free from everything and I ....
Oh!" Someone's phone is ringing,
but, from where?
Oh how! Some one has left it on the bench,
I guess, It must the person,
I Should pick up the call,

Hello Mam, this is my phone, can I know is this?
I forgot it somewhere,

"Well, I'm Sophia and I found it in the Park, on a bench near the lake,"

Ok! I'm coming, please wait for me,

Ok! I'm waiting,

Hello, Are you miss Sophia, Whom I called recently?

Yes! Take your phone,

"Is this mellow drama over!"

Sorry Boss! I had lost my phone and......

And this girl had stole it,

No! Boss,

Stup up, You don't know these types of girls, they can do anything for money,

Excuse me, I am not a theif,
This man can't keep senses and lost his phone,
You can't blame anybody without knowing anything,

Oh! Is it?
Then I'm extremely sorry,
I'm Kevin, and your good name (moved up his hand to shake)
I'm Sophia, ignored him and went from there.

© Rose