

Match forward
Be on the move everyday to chase after your Dreams. Never stop and never back down. When you move in life, always move forward.

There are people who thought they were matching forward in life but not knowing they are likely matching backwards through holding on regrets of the past, the heart ache, offenses and things that didn't go well in their past. They become imprisoned by dwelling in their past and thereby causing them to retard in life.

Life is too short and you have no time to waist to think about those who hurt you or offended you and what did not go on well in your past.

You can learn from the mistakes of your past but don't be a prisoner of them. Move on and don't settle in your past for you don't belong there, you have today and tommorow to change your life.

To many people allow their mistakes in their past to take too much hold on them, they continue to beat themselves up by that mistake. It's enough, get your head up and raise your shoulders back and develop a new attitude and a new flame of mind to take another bold step to change your life for the better.

Mistakes and failures are part of life. We aren't perfect beings yet, we are always learning, growing and developing to become the best we can possibly become. So don't let one mistake or even multiples of mistakes keep you down and limit you.

Life sometimes puts you in a place where it seems everything is unbearable and tough. But remember, whenever a journey gets tough, the tough people will keep on going.

Be tough in this life to keep on going when all others give up.

Don't focus on the distance ahead but be more focus on the journey you are embarking on.

Be fearless, for what you mostly fear is even afraid of you. Don't give up so soon, you've gone too far to give up. Raise your standard and your visions high, and pursue afeter them daily. There is popular quote which says, "if you can't fly, run, if you can't run, walk and if you can't walk, crawl" No matter what will happen, there must be a movement in your life by matching forward.

Stay blessed..... 🙏😊