

What about those sacrifices ???
Once I was wondering , how beautiful this nature is....... And then I thought that the whole credit for this beauty must go to the plants, herbs, shrubs and trees.But from where do they come , from seeds? Aaha! SEEDs ... I think I have got a topic for my story. So now I will tell you a story of a curious seed who wanted to explore the world. Unaware of the danger which he could face, one day it told it's mother " Mum, I am bored here now , I want to go somewhere, where there is traffic, where there are humans, where there are markets." The seed's mother was tensed to hear it's dreams which could even take its life too. Mother tried to make it understand that it would get nothing in the human world except for the pain , lonliness, and sacrifices. But the seed didn't listened to it's mother and stayed with its dream in the forest. One day, luckily some woodcutters came in the forest. They were tired so they stood near a tree to rest. The tree was none other than the seed's mother. The men were Hungry too so they plucked some fruits from the tree, ate them and rested for a while. The seed was very excited to see the humans near it. Now the seed became eager to go with the woodcutters. He was praying to the God to fulfill its dream. While doing so it heard some noisy sounds nearby. The seed darned through its seedcoat . What it saw was really painful! The seed was amazed to see that the same woodcutters who were provided food and shelter by it's mother became selfish. They brought out their axes and started to cut the tree. The tree was crying painfully but no one heard it, tears shed from its bark but no one wiped that. And after a while , it was lying in the ground , scattered into pieces. The wood cutters arranged it in their vehicle. At that moment the seed remembered its mother's words. Now he had realised the truth, but that was too late. He had became alone then. Only it can do was that to pray again to god so that no more tree should be cut by these woodcutters. And no more tree should be grown around these selfish humans. But may be God had accepted the first prayer. One of the woodcutters took some seeds too along with that curious seed with himself. The seed started its journey now.............After some time the vehicle stopped at a big factory . FACTORY, where the tree was to be sold. After all this painful moments, the seed was brought to the wood cutters house and was given to his children to play with them. The seed was agonised to be sowed in the ground but it was only stumbled in the ground while the children play with it. And the day came when the children were too bored to play with the seeds. It was thrown in the dustbin. There a herd of cows came and after passing much hard time a lucky time came for the seed. Due to the cows , the seed fell out of the dustbin and stumbling in the ground it came to a park. There were children all around. While playing , one of the children came near the seed and due to him the seed was pushed in the ground. Rainy season also came after some time and seed started to germinate. Soon it grew into a plant . Whenever the children came near the plant they get very happy. But at the same time they used to pluck it's leaf, stem or flowers. And due this reason the plants faced many difficulties to grow into a tree. But as it is a natural process to grow , it also grew ....... As it became a tree , children made swings on its branches, played in its shadow, rested near it's stem...... That was all happy moments for the tree. It loved those children and gave all its blessings to them. Years passed away , everything was changed. The tree also became senescent , now old-age of the tree gave little shadow , little fruits and little flowers . Now no more children were there to play in the ground as the ground was too growing up into a big Mall. Whole city was developing into an smart City as per the government scheme. And the developers were non other than those children who used to play in the ground. The tree was very happy to hear their success. But the success asked for its cost . Those people cut the trees of the ground . they used it's branches and trunk to build houses and factories . Also the remaining part the tree was burnt alive to clear the space .


When parents try make us understand something, we think it asa chain , when they sacrifice for us and bring us to success we don't value them . In response we think our parents as old thing. and a kind of headache.

Don't let the story to be true .