

The Blanca Cadillac "Jazmine"

My family's cadi has six seats.
One for Daddy, who dose all the driving . He make's sure we're all buckled up first.
" befor we go" Voom,Voom

Across from him is My Mommy. She's always making sure all the doors are locked.
"off we go" Voom,Voom

Behind my mommy is my little baby sister. We sometimes have to stop and change her diaper.
"hold your nose " Voom,Voom

Next to her is my grandmother.
she's always making sure we're warm.
"Are you warm" Voom,Voom

Behind my grandmother is my oldest big brother.
He drinks four glasses of milk a day ,here little bro.
" Milk dose a body good" Voom,Voom

And then there's me Voom,Voom.
Always making sure there all safe until we get home.
That's my job.

worte on April 3,2020 By: Delicia Marie Lee Lopez

this picture I used drawing fore this story does not belong to me