

280 DAYS AWAY(Episode 1 & 2)

© Arhis'Tm
I decided to do multiple series , since I am new and I wanted to publish more content!This is also another series it will only be around for a short amount of time.Lets say for only 2 weeks!There will be actleast 2 episodes released everyday or 2 days.
(Lead actress)=Susan Kokume
(Male lead)=Sonsuke Mekuni
(supporting actresses)= Noni Cenchise , Elizabeth Monyard , Hansei Moon
(supporting male actors)= Junkoono Junior , Kesanh Moon , Bai Loon
...(Episode 1)...
(Hanron Chambers Apartment)-6:30am (Monday)
"Ring! Ring! Ring!" , Susan jumped out of bed as her alarm continued ringing.
She quickly rushed to turn off the alarm , it made such a loud noise that it woke everyone in the house. She wondered if she had turned the volume up too high , but quickly shook it off.
Quick Question: What pronoun do you see being repeated in the Paragraph?
Susan walked droopily to the bathroom , each step she took felt like she was falling off a building. When she had reached the bathroom , she felt a shiver like none before , as if she was in a cold room , but again , she shook it off too. She brushed her teeth and quickly took a shower , moving with speed compared to before.

Once she put on her uniform , she packed her school bag and hurried down stairs to eat quick breakfast , and she accidentally forgot the rule to not run down the stairs and got in trouble soon after.

If you have any questions or want sneak peaks comment down below or write me a letter.
Episodes 3 and 4 will be out on Wednesday.