

Cyborg Chapter 2
All the machine start moving.Allan start his computer to start his experiment.Suddenly, Doanne came to his house to tell him something.

"Doctor Allan. Open up! It's me Doanne!"said Doanne

Allan told Tiana to open the door for him.Then,Tiana let Doanne in.

"Where's Doctor Allan?"Said Doanne
"At his lab"siad Tiana
"Yes Doanne. What make you came here?"said Allan
"One of the Nione fell into the hole!"said Doanne
"What?! How can"said Allan
"I don't know. I already told our people to secure that area so the Nione didn't go anywhere"said Doanne
"That's good! I'll go there as soon as possible"said Allan
"Wait What are you going to do?"said Doanne
"I'm going to find their weakness"said Allan
"You sure you wanna do that?"said Tiana
"Yeah"said Allan

Allan packed all his weapon and get ready to go there.The hole is the only way for them to get up and get back down.It's not too big but the Nione can fall in.
After he arrived.He takes out his strongest weapon and attack the Nione from it legs.The Nione fell down right after Allan hit it.The Nione try to get up but Allan break it legs.
The Nione can't get up anymore.Allan start to find it weakness but he surprised by the Nione.They thought the Nione was an Alien but they're not.They are a Robot!
They have a strong sheild cover all their body that makes they hard to defeat.Not only that, they are also waterproof.Allan start connecting his laptop to the Nione and get all the information that the Nione have.

Allan back home after he got all the information about the Nione.


Something just blow up in his lab.He run as quick as possible to his lab.

"You need to calm down! Or else you blow up again!"said Tiana
"What's going on here?!"said Allan
"This thing is still working!It just blow up.Thank god it didn't broke"said Tiana
"Who are you guys?! Where am I??!"said the Robot
"I'm Doctor Allan and she's Tiana my asisstant"said Allan
"What am I doing here?" said the Robot
"I'm trying to fix you. We found you at the garbage dump.But almost all your sistem is broken."said Allan

Allan try to make it calm down before he start making it body.Tiana just looking at them.

"Do you remember anything?"said Allan
"Uhm... I just remember that I'm a teenager and a girl"said the Robot
"Do you remember where you came from?"said Allan
"No"said the Robot

Allan start his machine and make a new body for her.After three days,Her body is done.She now can stand up and walk.But she can't run and jump.
Tiana and Allan was so happy.They finally fix the robot.Allan tried to copy and paste all the information he got from the Nione but he failed.
But Allan still don't know who made her before.She's not a normal robot she's more than that.Allan start thinking what should he call a robot like her.
After a minute thinking,he know what he's about to call a robot like her.Cyborg. A robot but more into human she was a Cyborg.
Allan told her that she was a Cyborg.

"Cyborg? What is that?"said the Cyborg
"Cyborg is a robot but have something that other robot have"said Allan
"What is it?"said the Cyborg
"You're more into human.. You have feelings"said Allan
"But I'm made of steel and wire and all these other thing"said the Cyborg
"Yes you are but before you were made as a robot you're a human"said Allan
"Mean?"said the Cyborg
"You have human brain,eyes and heart. Without these thing you're just a normal robot.Made of steel no brain and more. You're made to do only one thing."said Allan
"Ouh...Allan right?"said the Cyborg
"yes"said Allan
"Do I have a name? Like you?"siad the Cyborg
"Yes,your name is Lily"said Allan
"I like it!!"said Lily

Lily wake up from the bed and then triend to run.But she can't.The body is still new. It still couldn't do everything it only can stand up and walk.