

My best friend (His Story)
Hello, my name is Nicholas, and I'm 27 years old. Allow me to tell you my story. As the title shows, I'll be talking about my best friend Samantha, with whom I've been in love since we were 14 years old. But, my story will begin when we are 17 years old.
It was just another normal day where we talked to each other, made fun of each other, and did our usual things. However, while I and several of my guy friends were discussing which girl we admired, one of my close friends mentioned that he likes my best friend Sam. After saying that, he looked at me and some of my friends. People always wondered if Sam and I were dating because we were so close, but I always told them we weren't and that I just regard her as a friend and a sister and that she doesn't have feelings for me; scared of ruining my friendship with Sam, I always kept my true feelings hidden. As usual, I pretended to be unconcerned about my friend's words.
Samantha came to me a few weeks later, smiling, and told me that my friend had confessed to her and asked her out. "Okay, what did you say? Did you agree?" I asked, seeming to appear cool. "Well, I asked him if he could give me some time to think, and he agreed, so I'm thinking maybe I should; he seems quite kind and sweet to me," she said. "Cool, you two would look good together," I responded, trying to be okay. I kind of regret not confessing to her; maybe if I had, I would have been by her side, but to see her smiling like this, I'll be content and happy for her...
They've been together for a long time, and now I'm reading the wedding invitation letter. Actually, I haven't fully forgotten about Sam. I'm not sure if it's right for me to attend their wedding while feeling this way, but perhaps attending their wedding will help me forget this feeling and move on. And since she's my best friend, how could I not attend her wedding? I'm sure she'll kill me if I don't.
Let me advise you on something: you should take the opportunity to do something, especially if the risk is worthwhile. If you're still unsure, think about it again and make a decision. You should follow my advice; you don't want to be regretful afterwards, do you?

Not based on a real story but a made up story.
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