

Zahra and the magic palm tree
one faithful day,Zahra was walking in the forest until she came across a palm tree.She said to the palm tree "how healthy and tall you are".To her surprise the pal tree replied bye saying "thank you".Zahra was very scared until the palm tree kindly asked her for anything she would like and she asked for a big lollipop and ro no one's surprise,she is only seven.she looked in her hands and saw a big lollipop and asked the tree for another thing.She asked for a mansion,and then her house turned into a mansion.she asked for one more thing but the palm tree said it would be her last wish.With her fingers crossed,she asked for a bigger house and the palm tree turned her mansion into a bigger mansion.he then ignored her and then she asked for a scholarship to a school but it didn't reply she hit it three times until her lollipop,and house disappeared.the palm tree wanted to teach her to be grateful and follow the rules given to her .