

Follow the two
As a person experienced some stages of life, I will present you these briliant steps of how you can learn a languge.

First of all and above all else anyone wants to learn any language he/she likes, should draw a goal and ask themselves, why do I want learn this language?
what am I going to reap from learning it?
they should ask themselves such questions in order to help themselves draw their goals.

Secondly what I am going to clarify here is how you can achieve the goal you drew to learn a language, so everyone has a goal he/ she wishes to achieve it whatever the matter was; but few who discover the real secret to achieve or reach any goal, that many people follow several ways just to achieve one goal, because they don't know which way to take or pursue, so to achieve a goal you only need two things; a great willpower and a hard work no more nor less, if you just hold these two keys in your hands, I am sure that you'll be able to open the doors of your goal some day, cause you have the keys.
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