

Lonely as Hell
Sitting lonely in my room
Thinking of that companion
That can accompany me in my life
And fill that loneliness
With some enthusiasm humour and wittiness.
That can turn a man with temper
Into an ocean which is silent but deep
Who can listen to my silly and childish talks
The entire day without getting bored.
Who has a persona and demeanor
Of cuteness and elegance
That is way beyond the permissible limit
Who can accompany me on my foreign trips And do trekking sky diving and surfing with me.
That can once again ignite the feeling of
Adventurousness fearlessness and heroism Which are deep ingrained traits of my soul
And bring out my inner child
Which is mischievous and noble
Both at the same time.
Holding my hands with her
And passing all the seven continents
With her strong and magical presence
Time will come to a hault
With me looking in her eyes
In pure love and regard.
© Alex Stewart