

Used to be a nerd part 5
Nova sat at the back of the class to avoid being noticed, it is enough they have to pick on her but distracting her in class was not allowed, after all she is here to study.

She opened her note to do a little review before the teacher would come but it was closed by a certain someone, a certain someone she has never seen before!

He looked really cute but his actions wasn't, she wanted to tell at him so badly but she doesn't have the guts.

"That's my seat" he told her with a frown leaving her confused, she has been sitting here for weeks now without any bother so why would the seat be his?

"bbbbbut I....." she tried talking but was cut short by the rude boy before her.

"Remove!" He said, no emotions on his face, you couldn't tell if he was pissed, serious but one thing was obvious, he was not kidding.

Nova felt insulted, she is human and remove is used for inanimate things, how rude!

She slowly packed up her books and left, she got another seat right in front of the class where the teacher would bully her.

There was one on thing about Nova, she gets bullied by even teachers, they just have to because if they don't they'd lose their job, courtesy of Kim.

That was how they met!

Back to present

She wondered for a moment if he recognized her, she did a little surgery on her face which might make her a little bit unrecognizable but then you could if you knew her well.

"Hi" he said, looking at her somehow, like he was trying to remember something.

"Hi" she replied with a tight smile, it was so annoying she had to meet him looking this way, if she gets a hold of that bitch from earlier, she will so regret her actions.

"I saw you up there earlier, you are Aby of NL publisher" he said, stating the obvious. She had thought he recognized her but he was only trying to talk to Aby! Really? Was it so easy for him to forget her? It was all a lie between them and she knew but then, he could at least remember here.

"So?" She replied sharply, arching her right brow.

"I've been out of town for years and only came for this wedding, I've heard of you but seeing you, you look familiar, very!" He said, searching her eyes.

He had watched her earlier while she gave her speech, she looked like her! Thoughts of her came rushing back, he fought the tears that threatened to roll down his face, it was all his fault, he was so young and stupid, he loved her with all of his heart but he just had to ruin it with his craziness.

He wondered if it could be her, NL is something she would have gone with, even if it got ruined for her, she loved her name but the name was different, he wondered if this Aby could be his Nova!

Seeing her try to make her way out of the hall, he thought it would be best to approach her, if it wasn't her, they could be related in some ways.


What do you think happened between Kennedy and Nova?

Do you think Aby will tell him immediately that she is Nova?

What about Raquel? Will Aby do anything crazy to get back to her on her wedding?

© Pleasymatt