

Mr. pineapple's journey.
Mr. Smith and his family once went for a picnic near the seashore. it was a very sunny day so Mrs. Smith took the softdrink bottle out from the bag and began serving it into plastic cups. the eatables and things that they carried were a bedsheet, just one softdrink bottle, 2 chips packets and a big pineapple. suddenly while arranging all the things and eatables on the bedsheet, Mrs. smith realised that they've forgotten to carry the lunch and even a knife and spoons.

being a hot sunny day, George and Harry son's of Mr. and Mrs. Smith emptied the softdrink bottle and being too hungry they ended up having chips in lunch. what was left was only a pineapple what Mr. and Mrs. Smith can have. not having a knife irritated them more in hot heat. they got annoyed and being exhausted they left the place very early before the evening.

Mrs. Smith had packed all the items and even the waste except the pineapple which kept hidden near a coconut tree. Mrs. Smith was so annoyed that her brain was not in order and she didn't see anything else rather than way back home. poor Mr. pineapple left alone under the shade of coconut tree.

During night near the seashore, suddenly a strong breeze started blowing. it carried away all the things along with it that come on it's way but Mr. pineapple was buried in sand and it stood courageously till the storm would fade away.

One day was almost over with the storm. the second day, it was more worse! it excited the sea the waves were all over the beach. by this time the pineapple left it's control in the sand and it slowly came to the edge where the waves were rushing close and further....

slowly slowly the pineapple stood no more on land. it had learnt to swim with the support high tides and low rides. it's journey before the storm was too fast because the breeze would even help to move further. after few days the force of the breeze leveled down and only cool breeze could be felt. Mr. pineapple was depended on the sea for it's destination. it didn't knew where it would reach. Mr. pineapple had to sail all alone with hope to either reach to an island or back to the sandy land again....

Sailing from the land to an unknown destination it's been two weeks that passed. Mr. pineapple looked neither green nor yellow what it appeared to be is orange in colour. Mr. pineapple was finally closer to its destination. it reached to an island where the tribes lived. Mr. pineapple was just a bit closer but before it would reach on land, a child grabbed it into his arms and shouted with exhaltaion and called his parents. this was the end of Mr. pineapple's journey and even it was the end of his life. but Mr. pineapple gave up happily because he was in hands of people who were really happy to have it.

Moral : hope to reach to your destination builds up courage to defeat the fear of getting lost in trials you face.
