

My Ex is a ghost!😱

Phone ringing. She Picks up.


📞Good Evening📞 the caller greeted calmly

📞Good evening📞 she greeted him too.

📞With the way you're sounding I'm sure you don't know whom you're speaking with.📞

📞That's right. Who are You?📞

He paused before speaking again.


She dropped what she was holding suddenly on hearing that name.

📞Brad? Do you mean the same Brad Scott ?📞

📞Yeah. before you say anything. Please listen to me, I'm truly sorry for how things ended between us. 📞

She laughs dryly.

📞Oh my World! After how many years? 7? Or maybe more?.. You ghosted me for no reason Brad. And now you Suddenly remember me, you call and now asking for my forgiveness. Oh wow! Just wow !📞

📞Billie please I know how you feel right now...📞

📞Oh Please! Cut the crap! You have no idea how I feel okay... Wait how did you even get my contact? Trina didn't give it to you right?📞

📞Don't worry about how I got your number, please just listen to me... I desperately need Your forgiveness, I know I don't deserve it, but please just.. 📞

📞I am done talking to you Brad!📞 she hung up.
I was shocked, very shocked. Getting a call from My Ex, not just any Ex. I Mean Brad Scott, wow that was the last thing I'd expect.

Even though our break up was brutal, I use that word because I almost diéd. Do you know how it feels to love someone genuinely, with all of your heart, soul, and body? Like you'd be ready to do the impossible for that person. This person is someone you're everly ready to propose to or say Yes to if the opportunity ever comes.
Like everything seems so perfect. And then suddenly. One day, they stopped talking to you. No chats, No texts, No Calls, You don't even get to see this person. They just ghosted you. For what? Why? What happened? You question yourself every single goddamn day.

Where did I get it all fvcking wrong?
I thought everything was going just fine... What then suddenly changed.?

Even if I did something unforgivable that painfully I may not know about, wouldn't it be nice to tell me? We could talk about it, even if we can't fix it. Even if you want to break up, even if you've found someone better, do we've to end it this way?

These would be your questions at that point. You'd desperately need an answer, but unfortunately, you'd end up not getting any.
You're left broken.
Guilty for what you did or did not do.
Everyone around tries to cheer you up.
Begging you to let go, and move on. "You have a beautiful life ahead of you, fvck him/her for treating you this way, it's their loss, and they don't deserve you anyways" These would be their words of encouragement.

Okay! Fine! I will Let go! and Move on! It may be difficult, but you did it ways. You pull yourself together, brace up, and pick up what's left of your shattered heart. After a few years of not letting anyone in. You eventually did. You learn to love again. You were skeptical, you had doubts you didn't even trust your new relationships. You just had one leg in and the other out, just in case sh!t decides to happen the second freaking time. You'd be ready.
But surprisingly, your new relationships. Especially the current one you're in before your ex starts coming back seems to be growing on you, you started to feel more relaxed and a little bit safe.

You tell yourself "Maybe this is going to turn just fine... "

Remember how hard it was for you to forget about your previous perfect relationship which happened to be with the real love of your life.
Remember all the nights you cried, you almost took your own beautiful life for that a$shole. You managed to overcome all those. Even though you never for one day completely forgot about them.

Just when your life starts to make little sense.
That person, who left you broken and devastated shows up out of the blues... Wanting to reconcile, make amends, and right their wrongdoings, they finally tell you. "Oh, you were never the problem, am a piece-of-trashy-trash. . it is all my fault" Remember these were what you wanted to hear back then. But you ended up hearing them after many years. After years of misery this Ex of yours was ready to come back into your life and heart he/she almost destroyed back then.

You've moved on.
You have another relationship, even though you're not fully into it, but that new partner is trying everything to make you Happy again.

You told your Ex, you've moved on. "Stop bothering me"

They never listen.
Suddenly, that little spark of feelings left in you for them started to grow again.

No way! Not again! I cannot leave them in! You tried to warn yourself.

But your heart, soul, and body weren't paying attention to what you said.

Your ex now had the slightest idea that you still feel something for them no matter how small. They vow to win you over again. And luck is on their side, they were indeed winning you over again. Slowly but surely.

You found yourself falling for that same person who hurt you badly before. It's not as if you just gave in to them. You fought hard to resist. But that tiny little feelings you voluntarily decided not to crush back then, were starting to grow bigger and bigger every minute of every day

Oh yeah! You miss Séx with him/her.

His/her touch made you melt.
You succumb without questioning them.

From one Séx it leads to two. And then again, it became Normal. You couldn't resist. Deep down you knew you were cheating on your present partner. But you just couldn't stop.

You started giving that good person in your life attitude because of your Ex.
You made up your mind to break up. And focus on your Ex. To work things out, after all, you are still in love with him/her. and you were certain they felt the same way. So why hold back? No reason to. So you thought.

As if the universe was in support of your doings. So to say, You got pregnant/impregnated your Ex. Now you had reason to ditch the current relationship.

That was the Situation of Billie and Brad.

"So, you're just going to throw away what we've had together these past 2years because of your Ex? David asked painfully.

"Yes! Billie replied boldly. "I wasn't even sure about this thing we're doing" she added.

"Oh, my goodness, Billie?.. I can't believe you're saying and doing all these... I proposed to you Billie!, and you said Yes to me. how could you say yes when you're not sure? What the héck is all these huh? David was almost going crazy

"Here is your ring. You're a good guy, I'm sure you'd find someone else someone better than me, someone who would love you for real, I don't love you Dav. I'm still deeply in love with Brad. I'm so sorry"

"No! Don't you dare say sorry! You know what? Just leave, but I just hope you know what you're doing!

Just like that, You broke their heart too.

That was how I left my fiancée for my Ex.
I didn't tell anyone about it. Not my parents or even my best friend Trina.

I was hoping to tell them later on. But not immediately. Thank God, the wedding date with Dav Wasn't fixed yet. It would've been harder facing my family and friends.

I was two months gone, with the pregnancy, living my best life with the love of my life. I have never been so happy in years.

Everything Changed again! This time It was worse than before!
My phone rang on a hot afternoon.
It was Trina. I had switched off my phone for those 2months. I just switched it on again. And Trina's call was the first that came in.

She spent the first 20mins yelling at me. For shutting everyone out, for Breaking up with David. And for running back to one of my exes.

📞Speaking of Ex, Brad called me 3 months ago begging for your number, I'd give it to him. I knew you wouldn't go back to him when you're not stupíd. When David told me you left him for your Ex, I almost thought it was Brad, but I knew it was impossible📞

📞Why do you say so? Why is it impossible?📞 I asked keenly

📞Wow, I am surprised you're asking this. That shows you've been away from social media too📞

📞Can you just tell me what it is .. Please?📞 I scened something does not feel right.

📞Hmm. Please pull yourself together when you hear this, I know how much you loved him......but just know that whatever happens to him, he doesn't deserve your pity..... 2 months ago if I'm current, Brad has a fatal accident, he was in a coma for 1week or so before he died. His wife made the post of his déath. His burial is tomorrow. From his Facebook page, I find out he has 3 children... Two boys and a girl... I feel for them. It's a pity he diéd while trying to reconcile with you. Hello. Hello. Billie, are you still there? Can you hear me?📞
Billie let out a loud deafening scream as Brad came in.

He knew he has been busted.
His time was up.
He moved closer to the woman on the floor who had by then fainted. He kissed her one last time and kissed her tummy.
"I love you, Billie. Even In déath, I'll always love you, I am sorry for our past but I'm glad I spent these two months plus with you. I regret not choosing you. Sorry for coming to you like this. I had an accident while searching for you anyways. I have always loved you, Billie... Bye. Until we meet again"

He vanished after calling the emergency number..so she'd be rushed to the hospital.

Billie spent 10 months In a coma.
When she got out.
She was mentally deranged.
She had a cute baby.

Impossible but did happen.

Billie's life was ruined! Forever!💔


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