

The host
This is part one of this story
(second part at @Catsrcute coming soon)

The streets were as empty like my
stomach ,I had been driving in the late night for nearly two hours (or so it felt like ).And I was finally nearing my destination .I had been living in my parents house until from somewhere somehow Mom and Dad had caught the Covid 19 too.They were now quarantined in our house so I had to move out until some time and live with my Aunt Emiline . I had seen this as an opportunity to train myself for living alone and had accepted. But only If I knew... Oh I would have never dared to do so......

I pulled off in a small driveway and infont I could see a exceptionally big stone house decorated with all kinds of plants ,vines and creepers. I was exhausted, starving and I wanted to lay down , I had lost all hope of walking at all and had even considered just laying right there on the floor But I pulled myself to bring my luggage and dragged myself to the doorstep.

I rang the doorbell once and then twice and then after a minute I heard footsteps approach from The other side of the door "Finally" Said a small voice inside me . "Stiller? is that you " " said a loud booming female voice from the other side of the door. " "Um.. Yes it is me "I replaid
. "Oh iam so jolly you have finally arrived Stiller!...Well come on in! "She boomed while unlocking and opening the door . I walked inside to see a central room which had a huge golden chandelier perched on the top , the room had a corridor which parted into two corridors and one basement at end of the corridor
" hello Aunt Emiline "I said smiling weakly "Oh Hello Stiller come on I will show you to your room and then we can have dinner "replied Aunt Emiline .Aunt Emiline was a stout figure who wore an apron and had messy greyish hair which were pinned to her head with a hairnet. I followed Aunt Emiline to my room and stumped on the bed. I was very hungry so without waiting much I just unpacked my stuff and went to the kitchen/dinning table. "Ah you must be so hungry Still i will be done with This soup in just a minute "They did not speak much until Aunt Emiline brought a pot of soup to ten table and sat right opposit him beaming.