

What causes cancer and what is the solution?
What causes cancer and what is the solution?


What causes cancer, though

And what is the solution?

credit: third party image reference

👉Important article👍

1) Due to the habit of eating late at night

Can cause stomach cancer.

2) Avoid eating fruits after meals.

Eat before dinner.

3) Avoid drinking tea during menstruation.

4) Tomatoes should not be eaten in the back.

5) Every morning, get up and drink a glass of water.

Bladder stones do not occur.

6) Eat 3 hours before going to bed

7) Don't eat too hot posts.

credit: third party image reference

8) Do not keep your cellphone close while sleeping.

9) To prevent bladder cancer daily

Drink at least 10glasses of water.

10) Drink more water during the day and less at night.

11) To prevent insomnia and gas problems

Do not drink more than 3 coffees a day

12) Eat less oily oils, so as to digest such meals

It takes 3 to 5 hours. And that can lead to fatigue.

13) Eat less after 5 in the evening.

14) Bananas, grapes, spinach, pumpkin, peaches

Eat six such fruits.

15) Lack of sleep is harmful to our brain

So you should get at least eight hours of sleep a day.

For good health, you should spend 2 hours in the afternoon.

credit: third party image reference

16) Tomatoes should be cooked and cooked. Do not eat raw tomatoes.

17) Hot citrus

Hot lemon juice provides longevity.

Cancer cells are destroyed.

Drink hot lemonade daily.

Cold citrus contains only vitamin C.

Has no ability to destroy cancer.

This is evident from the research.

Hot citrus has become an antidote to cancer.

Because it destroys only the cancer cells. Does not harm the rest of the cells. And

Citric acid, polyphenol in lemon

Reduces high blood pressure.

The blood flow to the main artery runs smoothly.

And reduces blood clots.

Dr. Guruprasad Reddy BV,

Osh State Medical University of Moscow, Russia according to them. [] Silafal leaf is washed with salt water and sucked in sugar.

[] Squeeze your nose and drop the nose

[]: Indigestion Smells For 3 Mango Leaf Eat 3 Months

[] Thyroid coconut root is washed with salt water and kept overnight in boiling water.

[] Eat sesame seeds daily for 6 months bone strengthening

[] Eat Peruvian leaves do not vanish, Toothache does not increase memory

[] Lemon is added to the sandwich and eaten

[]: Carrot juice Take 2 consecutive days No cancer

[] * Cancer ....... (Cancer) *

Dear Friends,

Drugs found for many cancers !! Please do not delete this message unless forwarded (transmitted).

Blood Cancer ...

Brain Cancer ......

Breast Cancer ......

Colon cancer ……

Liver Cancer ......

Lung Cancer ......

Prostate cancer ...

Cervical Cancer ......

Dear friends

_ * Reach this message to 125 crore people in India and reach out to the rest. * _

* 'Curcuminoids' * is a standard drug

Which cures cancer.

Make everyone aware.

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Thank you for delivering a rare and much needed information to the public ..! 👏👏👏👏

#cancer, #cancersholution, #heath, #Selfperfection