

"Mam, you need to be on stage within 15 minutes. Please be ready." the host said to Ritta. Sitting on the couch Ritta still thought that this was a dream. She pinched herself more than twice to make sure that she wasn't dreaming. An actress was performing on stage at that time. Ritta closed her eyes and recalled how she had been a waitress of a forgotten hotel in a forgotten city, until one night she found a guitar on a dark alley in her way home. She had no idea what to do with it but then she started experimenting with it. The first day she had played with only the thin and thick wires. The next day she had played with the second most thick wire and second most thin wire and she herself didn't know when she became an expert in playing guitar. She performed one of her favourite songs with the guitar in the hotel one day. This increased the sales of the hotel so the manager made her the hotel musician from a waitress. Her days used to go like this until this very rich man, Edward Steven's car broke in front of their hotel and he had to stay the night their. That was the first time Edward heard her singing and they instantly fell in love. If Ritta is today on this stage, then it's all because of Edward's back support and Ritta's hardwork. "Mam, what is that you will perform tonight? will it be the song that went viral last week?",the host asked. "No" Ritta said "today I will perform Ritta" . The host was confused so she said no more. Yes, today Ritta will perform "Ritta". Edward and all her fans were impressed more than the heart touching songs she wrote than her voice and the her style of playing guitar. This is the piece of information, she herself didn't know. In fact her favourite song is also written by her. Suddenly Ritta heard her name being chanted in the crowd, "Ritta!Ritta!Ritta!" and the host announced her name. When Ritta stepped on the stage, the crowd broke into chants, cheerings and shootings. The spotlight was directly aimed at her. She closed her eyes smiled to herself and knew that today the stage was hers. She is the star.

(everything is possible when you give it an effort and believe that IT IS POSSIBLE)