

Deceitful Delilah
Voom voom
That was my phone vibrating but I couldn't find it.
"Tiff have you seen my phone"?
"No C"
Where the hell could it be I hear it but I don't see it..
The vibration then came to an end.

I sat on the edge of the bed wondering where in the room could my phone be then my eyes zeroed in on my underwear draw.
Yes that's where it is I remember sorting through it earlier looking for a green lace panty I couldn't find..
I got up and walked across the room to my chest of drawers and pull out the draw and stir it up a little.

You little bugger I yelled to it how dare you disappear on me?
I checked to see who was calling and it was my boyfriend, oh how I have missed him.
I haven't seen him in two months.
I have only seen him once to be honest and it's the day we met..
Even though we talked on the phone everyday and every night but I guess talking and seeing are different things.

It was our annual school fair and since it was the only event I was aloud to go for the whole year I made sure I was there every year..
He was a friend of Tiff and Tiff was my best friend so when he told her he liked me, she did the introduction and its cliche I know but the rest is history...

Present day

I immediately dialed back his number and he picked up on the first ring.
"How is my baby?" I began to pout
"I miss you Jay"
"Then come see me then"
"You know I can't " I replied depressingly
My mother didn't really give me much room to socialize hence I wasn't allowed to go anywhere.

"But Choice when am I going to see you ? Its been two months babe and have never hugged you,never kissed you, never looked into your eyes and told you how much I love you".

My eyes became watery and then there was silence. He was breaking my heart.
"I am sorry Jay but what can I do? I am only sixteen and won't be eighteen until two years and my mother says that's the only time I will get a chance to go out as I please,so you will just have to wait until the next fair at school to see me" he didn't say anything but I know he was trying to calm down before he answered.

'That's not fair Choice"!!!!! He whined. " That will be a year from now you! You mean I will have to wait a whole year from now to see you?"

I didn't like how he was yelling into the phone."Calm down Jay" I said teary eyed. "Calm down? I am done with this C" and with that he hung up on me.
I sat on my bed hugging my pillow and crying. I love him why couldn't that just be enough?

"C did you find your pho_" Tiff burst into my room but stop half way through her question when she saw me crying.
" Hey come here " she pulled my head from the pillow and rest it on her lap.
"What's wrong Choice?" but I was too emotional to answer her.
So she just began to rub my hair in an effort to calm me down and after what felt like an eternity I was able to finally hold my composure and tell her what's wrong.

"What's wrong babe? " she probe again. "Jay broke up with me" I answered broken.
"Bastard" she responded and that was my bestie she didn't need to know what happened to go into mama bear mode..


I paced my room back and forth WTF did I just do? Why did I tell her it's over? Wrong move Jay I scold myself mentally.
I love her ,I mean I know it's just two months but she lights up my world.
Her voice is so amazing and she cares for me like no other.
I was once a player and I have never loved anyone before but Choice is different.
The situation is fucked up but that doesn't mean I can't still be with her even though I won't be able to see for a year I just have to learn to live with it.
Its a long wait but the reward will be great..
Choice has the body of a goddess.
She is beautiful as a flower and when she sings gosh how can I give up all that?
I sat on the floor of my room thinking of all the qualities she possesses. I cannot walk away from all that!!!!!
I had to win her back.

I took my phone up to to call her but to no avail. I was literally going out of my mind.

When Tiff introduce me to Choice, I was a man whore. I had already ran through all the girls at Farbes college and the intention was to broaden my horizons.

Tiff was the only girl at school that I wanted and couldn't have and it made me crazy. Banging her head against one of the many bathroom stalls was my thought day and night.
Having her as my girlfriend was my dream but she continued to keep me in the friend zone for years. That just made me want her even more but she wasn't having it and I think that's why she introduced me to Choice.

I had told Tiff a hundred times that I would change my ways if she just gave me a chance and she didn't believe me. So I just continued to be who I was seen that I couldn't have what I want.

Flash back

It was our school fair and I hadn't been to one before so I decided to go for the first time. I was bored and didn't have much to do anyway.
My friends and I were there goofing around when Tiff cat walked across the basketball court to where we were sitting on one of the many court seats.
I zoned out all the noise and just focused on her as she came to us.
Her legs crosses each other like she was a model for Pulse magazine and the sway of her hips had me hypnotized.

Tiff was the only black girl I know with long flowing hair.
I was so dazed by one of God's most beautiful creations that I didn't even hear when she said my name.

"Jay? You aite man?" Asked Donte my friend since kindergarten.
"Am straight" I answered coming back to reality.
"Sup Jay?" Tiff asked. "Girl you know what's up" I replied and in the same breath walking away.

I went straight to the bathroom and punch the fucking mirror to get my anger under control. I just wanted her!

After about 10 minutes I walked back to the court. As I walked up to where my friends were chatting and laughing with Tiff, I observed that someone else had join the clique.

"Jay this is my best friend Choice" Tiff introduced her.

In that moment I knew that anything I felt for Tiff was misguided.

This Choice person had long flowing hair too and her thighs thick like grandma's chicken stew on a Sunday afternoon.
Her eyes were regular brown but they glistened like God covered them with glass.
Lips plump and had the colour of grape. I was staring at this divine essence of perfection and I didn't care.

My friends whistled and made goofy sounds but it was heard from a distance and I was standing right here.
She was shy and it was evident as she kept lowering her head the more I stared at her.
"Hi and nice to meet you. My name is Jayque" I finally came back from wherever it was that her beauty sent me.

That day I begged Tiff to put in a good word for me and even though she was hesitant she finally gave in.
"My boy wants a word with you" She said to Choice while walking off to give us some privacy.
Tiff went off to dance with my friends who were having a party to themselves on the court and Choice and I just sat there exchanging shy stares and short sentences that we claimed were conversations.
We exchange numbers when the day finally ended and went our separate ways.
I called her immediately as I got home that evening. "Hello" she answered on the first as if she was waiting for my call.

End of Flashback

We have been talking non stop since then and I find things to love about her each day.
Her voice was the sweetest was one of her most valuable assets and she has a caring personality.
If I get upsets she cries and when she is upset she goes silent. Which is the reason I wish she would pick up the phone right now because I know I just made her cry and I wanted to apologize to her and let her know I will wait for her.
No matter how long it takes. " Choice, come on baby pick up" I ran my fingers through my hair in agonizing desperation.


"Don't answer him" Tiff said as my phone rang for the hundreth time. "But I want to Tiff" I whined.
"Let him sweat until tomorrow" I bet he won't do shit like this again.
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