

Mbatha family
Nomcebo = a 19 year old a daughter to Noluthando Mbatha and Siyabonga Mbatha

Thamsanqa = a son to Noluthando Mbatha and Siyabonga Mbatha also a brother to Nomcebo Mbatha

Noluthando = The mother to the two children mentioned and a wife to Siyabonga Mbatha

Siyabonga = a father to the two children and a husband to Noluthando Mbatha

The Radebes
Sibusiso Radebe= son to Bheki Radebe and Nomusa Radebe

Bheki Radebe= a father to Sibusiso and husband to Nomusa Radebe

Nomusa Radebe=a mother to Sibusiso Radebe and a wife to Bheki Radebe

This story is all about what happens in our lives most cultures still raise or treat girls and boys differently if i may say.These things affect our every day lives .Lets stay toned to see how it affects the Radebes and the Mbathas

Narrator: Nomcebo she is 19years of age ,she wanted to study abroad like her brother Thamsanqa since she is done with high school apparently .

Mbatha household
Narrator:Nomcebo and her mother are chilling by the pool having drinks talking about future plans

Nomcebo : Mama atleast am done with high school so me too i will go abroad and study like my brother.
Noluthando : no man ,you know how your father is?, I do not think he will agree.
(Siyabonga back from work going inside the house where there is a pool ,its an inside pool)

Siyabonga:My child ,your mom is right,look here you and your brother are different worse part you are a girl .
I wonder what will you get up to when you are there abroad .
You should stay here and study here so that you can stay in your league.

Nomcebo:Dad what do you mean ? I promise i will behave , you will not complain about me .Who knows your angel dear Thamsanqa what is he upto.

Noluthando: This not the way to talk to your dad at all!

Siyabonga:You see your daughter? control your spoilt brat here. Listen here you are getting married in weeks time it seems like you are clever these days .
(he leaves the room)

Nomcebo:Mommy is dad really my dad?

Noluthando:what are you trying to say?
He loves you he is trying to help you here you will thank him later my baby

Radebe household
(Nomusa singing ,"its a wedding day bakushada namhanje)

Nomusa:Oh my boy am so happy for you ,you are getting married soon !!

Sibusiso:yea mommy am a big boy now look at you its like its you who is getting married you are so happy.

Nomusa:My one and only son is getting married am bound to get happy . It means i will be having dozen of grandchildren.

Narrator : the lobola price have been paid (dowry) the day of a wedding has passed now Nomcebo is Nomcebo Radebe .

Mbatha household

Narrator Siyabonga is a snake as you can see, I forgot to tell you he is a pastor although he does not act like one.
Siyabonga:Finally that child is gone , i can breath she is not my burden anymore .
(Noluthando pacing up and down biting her nails)
Noluthando:I wonder where is she sleeping?,did she eat? or what is she doing?
My husband is even that boy taking care of my child?

Siyabonga: Do not piss me off , do you know this saying a girl child is a visitor in her own home where she was born , she was never ours that is why she takes her husband surname after marriage and that is why a girl can not be an heir .She was bound to get married stop worrying she is fine!

Noluthando: I am not you Siyabonga am bound to worry am a mother .Besides these days you bearly touch me or spend time with me even before oue daughter got married

Siyabonga:Since when do you call me by name? and you know am a busy man do not worry we will have time for your nonsense .
(Siyabonga's phone rings he goes to the toilet and locks himself)

Narrator :Since Nomcebo and Sibusiso Radebe got married alot has been happening .Sibusiso is like his father Bheki he is abusive and all that so Sibusiso was beating his wife until she lost the baby .

Sibusiso:You are useless ,you can not a carry a baby full term ?
My mother will be disappointed she wanted a grandchildren but no me i married a useless moron like you.

Nomcebo:My love lets try again i promise will not lose the baby this time
( tears flowing down her cheeks her eyes are swollen because of the beatings even her lips)

Sibusiso:You better not lose the baby this time or else i will send you to your ancestors. Pack your clothes we are going to our honey moon we should come back pregnant and you glowing or else people will start talking .
Narrator: Nomcebo has been not telling anyone about this abuse because her mother told her if your husband hits he loves you he does not want you to lack values .

The senior Radebe household

Bheki:These days you are happy,you are even glowing. Who is making you blush over the phone?

Nomusa:Nobody my love it is these memes .

Bheki:Let me see i want to laugh (snatching her phone)

(Nomusa snatched it back)
Nomusa:This is not your phone !

Bheki:Now you have the guts to shout at me .
(He beat her black and blue and he broke her back)

Bheki :Who is that moron who made you have the guts?

Nomusa:It is Siyabonga Mbatha he is man enough atleast he does not hit me!

Mbatha household
Noluthando:Now you answer your phone in the toilet. You are cheating right who is that woman who has a nerve?

Siyabonga :stop acting like this marriage was a marriage stay in your place . I did not love you! you were only my baby making machine the only woman i love is Nomusa Radebe.

(Nomusa hit her butt on the floor feeling defeated. )

Senior Radebe household
Bheki: I am your husband i have the right to hit you. You see the reason i heat because you have become a slut now!
Nomusa stop acting as if you are holy ,you also cheat!
Bheki : Its fine because am a man ,you are woman she should maintain your dignity because you are a married woman .

Stay toned for season 2
© Sthandiwe