

Some thinking and self-love
#self-love and confidence
I don't have to wear braces to look pretty. The inner beauty comes from the within, confidence adds on to it.
Thinking: Would people change as they grow. I don't really understand why some parents who always neglects or even abuse their young children often desire to have grandchildren and care for their grandchildren when their own children grow up?
Self-comfort: I am psychological ill. During my recovery journey, I always can't rest well. Dream of managing my courses, taking care of myself, and having a job to earn some living in the meantime. After recently I sought a job at a comic store, I decided not to take the job as I don't really enjoy spending time on watching comics, I merely enjoy a few and go through them frequently but never in a more broader way. I can't remember many characters and their figure image, and learning them will occupy my precious time, I really don't want to do this consuming job while I regarded this is meaningless. And no more jobs before graduation. I want to rest well before graduation, so that I can prepare well for my future career. Yes, why not? I always want to be 💯 ready and manage all things in the meantime. I am a human and I am sick now. Take the time to recovery seemed the best option for me, why I don't realize this earlier or just acknowledge that I have the right to rest?