

An echo bursts through the long, sterile corridors of the hospital—a piercing cry, the unmistakable sound of life making its grand entrance. Nine months have drifted by since the miracle of conception—a season, a dreamlike unfolding within the sacred, mysterious world of a mother’s womb. This is the birthplace of humanity, where the spark of existence ignites; where one cell becomes two, two become four, and countless more, multiplying in divine harmony to form the delicate architecture of a new being. It is here that body, mind, and spirit first entwine—a conscious entity woven together from the essence of two living cells, breathed into life by the Tetragrammaton, the God of light and love, YHWH.His Spirit enters me, awakening every fiber of what I am destined to be, every experience I will endure, every moment I will witness—all to become a part of this earthly journey. The metamorphosis from a single cell to a thinking, feeling human being is nothing short of a divine miracle. The harsh, blinding light of the maternity ward pierces through my eyelids, and I instinctively shut them tight. My senses flicker to life, grasping at the strange, shifting shapes around me—a world that feels at once alien and overwhelming. Fear grips my tiny being, and though I do not yet understand it, I sense this is but a prelude to the emotional tapestry that will define much of my life.Then, I feel it—a gentle warmth, a soothing energy tracing down my cheek, as my mother’s fingers caress my fragile skin. Her touch is my first comfort, her presence my first shelter. My lungs fill with the sharp, unfamiliar scent of the world, triggering a cough that shakes my newborn frame. A sudden emptiness gnaws at my stomach—a hollow, cramping pain that drives me to cry out, my first plea for solace. And then, she draws me close. I find her, latch on instinctively, and the rich, warm taste of milk floods my senses, easing the ache within me. I gaze up into her eyes—eyes filled with a love that I cannot yet comprehend but already feel to be the center of my existence. She is the one who will hold me, protect me, and guide me through these first tender steps of life. She is my mother, my beginning, my world.
IG van Wyk
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