

You know What has become most difficult to find in this world ??
She stared at her husband looking for an answer whom she was married for two years and have seen lot of tough and happy times together.
After he didn't answered she noticed that he was looking straight towards the road.
I don't know what just happened to you suddenly ?
You woke me up 7:00 in the morning brought me here at a bench near the road and now you are not even responding ?
Relax! Have some patience and the answer is the Transparent Human beings. He took a pause and then continued I have come across so many people since I am born but I have found only a few Transparent Human beings. Other than them are always wearing overcoats inside which they hide Thier bad intentions ,evil eyes and hatred towards you. They will come in your life and will pretend to be the best people in your life. But when the desire they wanted you to fullfil gets done. They will immediately leave you without even saying anything .They leave behind a playcard in which it's written Congratulations ''You Have Been Fooled''. Believe me I am sick of them! You will never know who they are and even one such incident can make you have doubts about the transparent humans.
Then he looked at his wife who was obdiently listening to all what he just said.
You getting bored? He asked his wife
No! What you said is right and totally agree with that but then why we try to search who is transparent or not ? Why is there any need ? Your family and the sincere people towards you are transparent for you. That's it. Why is there even to find new transparent people ? When you try that you give them a chance to fool you.
Okay fine enough for today. We will head home now.said her husband and two of them started walking towards the left side on footpath.