

The Muslim judge and the great pope of the Roman church
There was a controversy between two people, the first was the Muslim judge Al-Bakilani and the second was the great pope of church in Rome;
as soon as Al-Bakilani saw the great pope, than he started asking him about his family, his wife and children until the Roman caesar screamed with wonder: how insolent are you to assign a wife and children to this man? we forbid him from marrige; then Al-Bakilani said: how contradictory and unreasonable you are!
you assign a son to god, while you forbid a man from marrige, it's supposing that the great pope who's a man to have a son not god, god is the most perfect, he doesn't need anyone in his possession, he has no partner nor son, then the great pope and the caesar bowed their heads of shame, and then immediately the great pope told the caesar to let that man Al-Bakilani leave the palace, or they'd not be safe of Christianity glamoring.
in short Al-Bakilani confuted the Roman great pope;
I'm very proud being a Muslim.