

Skid's Dream
once upon a time. when it was night. It Was a little skeletal fellow after the Spooky Month. he brushed his teeth. he put Spooky Pajamas on. and he got to bed. but Skid has Trouble Sleeping. so he made a milkshake. So He can fall asleep faster. so he did. he closed his eyes. and slept.
Skid open his eyes. and it seems that Skid it's in the dream now. the trees became cotton candy. the grass became bubble gum. Skid never fought that dreams can be So imaginative. but suddenly he meet a new friend.
Skid says. what's your name??
a friend replied
my name is Pumpo from 2030.
Skid was in shock. Skid says in shock. aren't you from the future??
Pumpo says yes I'm from the future. I know about anything. Pumpo Says let's explore. Skid says Ok Pumpo let's explore.
so Skid and Pumpo they're exploring to the dream world. to pick some nice flowers. Skid picked 6 flowers. And Pumpo picked 5 flowers. also they build own flower store. they had so much fun together. they played hide and seek. they Also played tag. they Also played board games together. Skid and Pumpo became best friends. Skid says I never had the Bestest Friend Like You. Pumpo says and you're too Skid.
Skid says let's spend more time together.
Pumpo says good idea Skid let's spend more time together with you. So Skid spend more time together with a beloved friend Pumpo. so Pumpo looked at the sunset. Pumpo says okay Skid. I have to go now. Skid says to where??
Pumpo says Home.
Skid says please don't go home stay a little longer. Pumpo says I cannot stay a little longer. I need to go home. Skid says please don't go. we can stay a little. Pumpo says if I don't go home. my batteries will die. Skid says where are your batteries located?? Pumpo says in my heart. Skid says Ok. but how you charge your heart?? Pumpo says the Heart Charger. that helps my heart to charge. it actually works like a phone charger. like a charges a phone. Skid says so. what happens when you're not going to charge your heart??
Pumpo says I may die.
Skid says so who's your future friend From 2030??
Pumpo says Skido.
he's very nice to me.
he's my best friend. I know so we play together. and help each other.
Skid says it's getting late now.
Pumpo says okay then bye Skid.
Skid says Bye Pumpo.
and then Pumpo teleported himself Home.
Skid walked on the grass to find a bed. he wanted sleep. Skid found a comfortable bed on a grass. he covered himself and a comfortable bed. and slept. and Skid woke up. it was the best Dream ever.
The End