

Love Story Of A Breeze-part 5
After hearing this Daniel went silent for a minute. Then he turned towards Stacy and gave her a pleasant smile.
Daniel : You kept this as a secret because you dont wanna end our friendship? really?. Do you think i would really cut our whole connection after all these memories.
Tears welled up in Stacy's eyes.She smiled and hugged him tightly.
Stacy : I wish this cancer wont kill me so i can be with you.
Daniel : Is that a proposal.
He laughingly asked
Stacy : laughed and hugged him a little more closer.
They stayed like that for some minutes. For a change they decided to go for a walk.Both of them started walking. They shared a earphone and started listening to some music. The music made the situation more heavenly and warm.
Daniel grabbed her hand. Hand to hand they totally covered the park.

To Be Continued........
And sorry for boring you guys. Am not gonna stretch this story more. I will try to end it soon so thanks 🗿

© Eren