

Already taken
He fell for her the moment he saw her at the Cafe. It was the first time he wanted someone to notice him but she didn't. All girls drool over the handsome Jay but not Allie, she works at the cafe and sees all kinds of people. She knows that Jay is one of the bullies and for that reason she didn't pay much attention to him and his crew.

One cold night Jay and his friends were at the Cafe. Jay was super quiet that evening, he only smiled when the conversation involved him. Allie noticed this but she was too shy to just walk up to the table and ask what was bothering him, also she didn't want to be seen as one of Jay's million fans but she was kind of worried so she wrote a letter and delivered it with his coffee. " Don't read much into this but I hope you get past what is bothering you", Jay read Allie's letter and placed it on his pocket. He raised his eyes and she was gone. He tried to act normal until he left with his friends, he got to his car but he had no energy to start it. He took out the letter and read it a million times until he was better and left the place. He reached his home and went straight to his room, he took the letter out and placed it in his diary. " She is really kind, thank you and don't worry I know there isn't too much into it", he says to the letter as he closes his diary. That night Allie reached her home a little late as she had to walk to her house, as soon as she arrived she went straight to her books. Although she was worried about Jay she knew he would be better and he wasn't much of her concern afterall.

Time passed and eventually things changed. Although Jay and Allie were in different high schools they bumped to each other more often at the Cafe where Allie works but this came to an end when they completed high school. They all went to varsity and continued with their lives. Jay usually came to the Cafe when he was back from varsity but it wasn't quiet the same as before, the place wasn't changing but something felt different to him. He used to leave a letter for Allie everytime he came to the Cafe while Allie stilled worked there, he was sure she never read them. He believed she would through them away without reading them which is why he had no problem writing his name and his feelings, folding them nicely and write her name on the outside even after she left the place, he knew the staff wouldn't read the letters they would hand them to her when she came to help during the holidays. He never stopped coming to the Cafe, it was one of his favourite places in his hometown and his heart hoped he will see Allie but he kept blowing off the thought as he still had most girls on his hands, dancing for his tunes. Although they weren't of his great interest he still liked the attention, it distracted him for a while. Allie had her own share of admirers which she always turned down. It was during the December holidays, everyone was back home and Jay had a new friend who was also his new neighbour. It didn't take Sam long to get settled in the hometown, he had Jay afterall and he was already a player, when they needed to rest they went to the Choco Cafe.

During Christmas Eve afternoon Jay and Sam had to buy some last minute Christmas gifts for their families as they had been too busy the day before. Jay insisted on buying coffee at his favourite place to also wish them well for their Christmas day as they knocked off early during these holidays to be with their families. As they got in boom!. Someone bumped into them as she was leaving the place, she apologized and said her goodbyes to the Cafe's staff.Jay's friend blocks her, she tries hard to pass but he doesn't allow her, he hadn't seen her close before. He is standing there to but trying to look away," Hey beautiful lady, I think you have taken my heart away, I love you girl", says his friend. " Wow I'm flattered, what do you like about me, my eyes or ears cause you don't know me, I have a mask on, my glasses on which are also dim for that matter", she answers. She tries to walk away but he keeps blocking her " Then take off your mask", the friend says. She doesn't but he traps her against the wall, although she acts all tough she is scared and Jay knows it, she stares at him asking for help. He sees the anger and fear in her eyes and that makes him angry, even the fact that he is gonna let his friend try his luck on the person he already has eyes on. " Just let her go, she is really out of our league, you are actually planning to play with the wrong person", Jay says . The friend, Sam let's her go and Jay looks at her for one last time.

Allie was grateful for how Jay had stood up for her but she was too shy to talk to him so she kept quiet. She left and they continued with their plans. " You've never done that before, do you have a crush on her?", Sam asks Jay. " No", he answers and looks away. " Wow you have it that bad, fine I'll leave her but better do something sooner before you lose her to someone else, that is not me", Sam says and laughs at his friend for having hid someone he loves. " I don't like her that way, but it's probably better you don't toy with her and she is probably already taken", Jay says. " Well, if you say so", says Sam and smiles. " What's her name anyways?" , asks Sam. " It's ... Allie", Jay says. " Wait, the Allison?", asks Sam. " Wow", says Sam. Jay changes the subject and Sam allows him to. They went to buy the gifts and drove back to their homes. As Jay was driving Sam kept smiling and Jay noticed it too so he asked him ," What is wrong Sam?". " Nothing brother, just thinking about you and Allie, you guys are made for each other", says Sam. " And how do you know that cause you barely know her", says Jay. " I may not know her that much but I know you, I know she must be the best to have your heart in her hands", says Sam. " Also you may hide it but I know she is the same amazing girl, the same Allie you kept telling me about ever since we met." After they both kept quiet and they reached their homes, Sam went to his house and Jay drove to his. Jay arrives at his home and reaches to his pocket, he takes out a box with a bracelet and put it near his diary. He writes something in his diary, closes it and put it back to it place. He kept replaying Sam's words but kept himself in denial, he went to prepare for Christmas with his family and tried to forget the day's events.

Christmas holidays ended and the new year began, everyone got back to their life and they returned to their universities. Jay's university wasn't that far from Allie's but they never saw each other, not even by chance. One afternoon Jay decided to drive around using his brother's car who happened to be visiting the area to work. Jay drives past Allie's school and all he can see are learners but not her. He opens his window and ask, " Where is Allie?", says Jasen to one of her childhood friends. Sharon answers by calling Allie to come. She comes near the car, she greets Jay politely and looks at him waiting for him to talk. "Can you get in the car, I am here to fetch you and drive you home", says Jay. "Okay, but can I call my friends to come too, we all have been waiting for transport", says Allie. Jasen agrees and Allie calls out her friends and she sits in the back with everyone. "Are you kidding me, Allison come sit in the front otherwise we aren't leaving ", says Jay. Anna sits back without saying a word while Jay removes his hands from the steering wheel and the car remains still with no one saying a word. " Allie please just go and sit with him and when we arrive at our respective homes you can come back to sit here, you have seen how long we've been waiting for taxis and not even one has passed", says one of Allie's friends.

Allie doesn't say a word, she just goes to the front sit and looks away. Jay also keeps quiet but smiles to himself for his great accomplishment. He starts by delivering her friends and they get left alone in the car. They drive for a while and Jay stops the car, as soon as he does Allie jumps to sit at the back but it is too late, Jay holds her hand. "Allie please let me talk to you , I'm not gonna be long, please ", begs Jay. " Mmhh", says Allie. They both look at each other and Jay fails to start talking. Allie looks away as she can't hold eye contact for long. Finally Jay can speak, " Allie I love you, please give me this chance", says Jay. Allie turns her eyes back to Jay, he looks straight at her and she suddenly turns her eyes away.

They both stay quiet and Jay holds Allie's hand tighter. She manages to move to the back sit as he allows her but still holds her hand in his. Without saying a word he lets her hand go and exits the car, he stands outside for a while and when he gets back he sits at the back with her. She moves away until she is in contact with the door, Jay uses his car key and closes the door. " I won't harm you, all I want is one chance to prove myself you can't keep pushing everyone away", says Jay as he looks away with tears in his eyes. Allie gets her phone out to distract her self and sits back, while she looks at her wrist watch she catches Jay staring at her. " Is this for real, when are we leaving, some of us have to get to our homes remember?" , say Allie to snap Jay back to reality. " Even your number can get us moving besides I enjoy your company, silent company", answers Jay in a calm, chilling voice. " If you like looking at me why don't you send a picture from my phone so we can leave",says Allie sarcastically.

"For real? Give me your phone then", he says while taking the phone from her hands , luckily it was unlocked. As he takes the phone away he brushes his hand against her on purpose, she shivers, but gets her hand away immediately. Jay takes about three of her pics while she looks outside the car window, he also takes a photo of her in the car using his phone. She doesn't notice any of this but she tries to grab her phone away from him, before she manages to get it he finds her number and
writes it in his cellphone. She sees that he is writing her number but doesn't say anything, she waits for him to give the phone back and he finally does. He tries to kiss her in the mouth but she turn her head away quickly and his kiss is planted in her chick. " Can we go now, Jay ", says Allie while keeping her eyes down. " Okay, we can go but your number first", says Jay to see if she will give it to him. " You already have it, Soo?". " Ohhh so the one I have is legit", says Jay with a smile. but you still have to sit in the front with me". " Nah, I'm good", says Allie. Jay just gives up and moves back to his driver's sit, he shifts the car mirror to face her so that he can keep looking at her, then he starts driving. The car finally arrives at their stop, she gets off. " Thanks ", says Allie as she leaves. He sits for a while in the car, he makes her pic his wallpaper and sends her a screenshot of that with a love note as he watches her get in her residence. She raises her eyes with a smile and he also smiles as he drives to his house.

As Allie arrives at her room, she suddenly opens her WhatsApp to see new messages and to her surprise she already has 5 messages from Jay, as she starts reading the messages, he calls. She stares at the phone for a while then answers it. " Hi, I can't get you off my mind, can we talk for a while", says Jay . " Are you trying to get me off your mind, Jayso.. ". " You got me I'm not even trying but I would love to keep hearing your voice than fantasising about it",says Jay. They both talk for a while and Jay ends the call to let Allie sleep as they had school the following day. The following day as she gets ready for school he calls her but she doesn't answer, so he decides to wait for her at her place's gate. She arrives at the gate and gets surprised to find him there but ignores him, he opens the door and asks her to get in as he want to drive her to school. She gets in the car at the back again without saying anything. As the car waits to join the main road he sends her a text with a heart. She finally smiles and he smiles too.

He keeps staring at her with the mirror and she noticed it," Do you want to say something", Allie asks with a smile. He shakes his head in denial, she raises one of her eyebrows and looks at her phone. He reverses his car to a better spot and moves to the back sit to sit next to Allie. Allie looks at him with a questioning look. He gets closer and she doesn't move away but she stares at her wrist watch, he suddenly covers it with his hand and pulls her closer to him, he holds her tighter and kisses her. She tries to turn away but he doesn't allow it, until he has had enough. " I'm sorry ", says Jay as he looks away. Allie doesn't say anything , she bites her lower lip with a little smile. " You look cute when you blush love", says Jay. She turns to face him. She gets closer to his face about to kiss him but she opens the window behind him and gets back to her place. " You really look cute when you blush", she smiles and tilt one of her eyebrows. Jay suddenly smiles to, " You are too good", he says. He suddenly puts one of his hands on her waist and pulls her to his body, she tenses up but he doesn't care. He pins her down on the sit, he remains on top and puts his hand under her skirt and continues to kiss her. She shivers and when she closes her eyes, allows him to invade her mouth he gets satisfied. He doesn't let her go, he lets his feelings flow, places her body in between his legs, he takes her jacket off from her, he undo some of her shirt's buttons. As his hands travel in every bare part of her body, she tightens the grip on his clothes, he tries to let her go and let her breath but she holds him down. They finally let go of each other, he kisses her on the chick and helps her fix her clothes, he brushes her hair while staring at her as she keeps looking down. He drives her to school," I will come back when you are out", he says and holds her hand to kiss it, she allows it and leaves.

As soon as she comes out of school she gets in Jayson's car and they drive away. "Hi", Allie says. " Hello", Jay answers while putting more pressure on his teeth and grabbing the steering wheel tighter hearing her voice made his blood boil. "Are you alright", says Allie in a calm voice. "I am",says Jay. "No you aren't ", says Allie angrily. Jay releases the tight grip and looks at the mirror, " How can I be alright Allie when I have to try so hard to control myself with you here, my heart already belongs to you but you aren't giving me yours", says Jay. Allie stays silent. " You see, you always do this", says Jay heartbroken. He stops the car in a secured place and takes his jacket off, he moves to sit with Allie. " Why haven't you given any of your admirers a chance?" asks Jay. "I had, a million times", she answers. " Hah, you are lying", Jay says. "Am not, and why do you think so?" she asks. " Maybe cause I have always loved you and you blew me off, also you had no hard time getting Sam off your back and everyone who ever tried to approach you got blown off, so the question still stands, why?", Jay asks again. " Since you are keeping tabs on me to answer your question, it's because I'm already taken", Allie says and looks away. " Okay I wasn't expecting that, so why did you let me kiss you?" Allie looks away. "Don't worry don't answer that, so tell me about this lucky guy", says Jay looking more interested. " Why should I ?" asks Allie. " Nothing much, just want to know if I'm a match for him". " Mmh", says Allie as she turns to face Jay. She describes this mystery guy, explains how they met and she seems too excited to share every tiny bit that she even takes out her little note book that has a bunch of letters clipped together neatly with dates on top and show them to Jay. Jay sees everything too familiar, even the letters. He hugs her and smiles, he doesn't let her go. When she needs to breath, she tries to push him away but her hand touches just a mm above his belt. Jayson releases her as he boils.

She notice it and sees he is trying to hold himself from kissing her. She gets closer, closes her eyes and plants a baby kiss, she gets back to sit but he already has his hands behind her, he pulls her to him. " You are impossible", says Jayson. He starts kissing her, she gets her hands under his shirt, the moment the hands touch his skin he gets cold, he loses his senses, love takes over. He holds her tighter , he kisses every bare part of her body. She shivers, he puts her head on his chest and kisses her forehead, " You drive me crazy, Angel", says Jay while moving his finger around her ear. She plants a kiss on his bare chest and continues holding him and sleeping in his chest. " I have to drive you home", he says as they fix themselves. He goes to the drivers sit and waits for her to come to the front but she doesn't, he starts driving. " Why don't you like sitting in the front with me", asks Jay. " Cause I don't want to distract you more than I do if I sit here", Allison says with a smile. He smiles back cause he knows that's true, she makes him lose all focus. They arrive, she gets ready to exit from the car, he looks at her and licks his lower lip. He holds her hand and takes out a small box from his pocket, Allie's old letter from the Cafe falls out. She picks it up, " I guess I'm not the only one holding on to old memories", she smiles and hand the letter back to him. " I may not have read much into it, but it made me read too much into myself. I love you Allison and it's forever", Jay says. He opens the box and takes out a bracelet that has their initials, he puts it around her wrist and kisses the back of her hand and she smiles, she exits the car and walks fast to her room. She moves her finger on top of the bracelet forming a heart as she gets in her room."I love you more".


© lungy