

Mermaid's First Love
it is a story of a mermaid who lives in the deep oceans and a boy who lives near sea.
the boy lives with his uncle's house and they are not treating him well.
When he feels lonely he came to the Sea Beach and sit on the same spot Everyday.
When the boy came everyday the mermaid secretly sees him.
one day the boy see the mermaid and run to see her but when the boy came she suddenly returns to the ocean.
like everyday the mermaid came near the beach to see the boy but this time she was get caught by the boy then the boy came to see her but when the mermaid try to chat with him the boy run away from there because he was scared.
another day the boys hand get hurt while cutting the woods and after that he came to sea like everyday.
the mermaid also came to see the boy,
when she see his cut she run towards him and grab his hand then she cures his cut by magic.
after that the boy started talking with her and they became friends.
they meet everyday and talk for a long long time.the both are vary happy when they are together.
finally one day the boy propose to her and they decide to stay together for a long long time.But ther happy moments turned into scary moments.
One day a fisherman See them while thay are talking with each other and then he tells to the villagers that there is a mermaid lives in the sea.
The villagers came to search for the mermaid and finally tehy found her and then they take her with them they beat and force her to cry inorder to get her Pearls but when the boy know about this he suddenly run there and try to free her from the villagers.
but he was badly get hurt trying to save her . he somehow reach to her and hold her in his arm and run towards the sea.
Then he throw her into the ocean and he became unconscious and fall down.
after few seconds the mermaid came and take him with her into the ocean.
after that no one found any news about them for years.some people says they are dead and some fisherman says they lives in an island which is present in the heart of the ocean.

© creepy writer