

Life is indeed weird. To think that people wake up every morning to struggle, hustle and strive to build a life for themselves. A life of comfort and if possible luxury. A life they can be proud of.
They give it all; their time, energy, intellect and even as much as their conscience. All in a bid to gain the good things of life.
What amazes me is how everything they slaved for their entire lives becomes so useless to them when they die and leave this world.
The Mansions, Cars, Jewelries and even Cash that they stockpiled is left behind. Spoils for the next of kin.
Indeed, all is vanity.
Why give all the time one has in this world to something that won't matter to you after you close your eyes in death.
How about the deeds that will be with us forever. No one pays attention to them. Deeds like kindness, love, empathy, respect, responsibility and philanthropy. This deeds don't fade away when you die. They remain in the hearts of everyone who your life touch.
A popular quote states that " A true act of Goodwill always Sparks another".
If only people will realize that they are giving all of themselves to the wrong things and put a little effort in doing the right thing, this world will be better place for all of us.

© Obinna Okereke