

Burning Embers Amongst the Ashes"

Quote: "Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual respect, and two souls that dance in the same rhythm when silence is the only music." - Ann Landers

Her eyes searched mine, and in that fleeting moment, our worlds collided like two comets hurtling through the vast expanse of space. Her name was Lila, a fiery spirit with a laugh that could warm the coldest of hearts. We met in the most unexpected of places, the local diner where I grabbed a cup of coffee before my shift. The aroma of brewing beans and sizzling bacon was the backdrop to our first encounter.

Lila sat in the corner booth, her nose buried in a book, the edges of the pages yellowed with time. She had a way of making the mundane seem exotic. I had to know her. I approached, my heart racing like a teenager at prom. "Is that a good read?" I asked, trying to play it cool. She glanced up, her emerald eyes sparkling with curiosity. "It's okay," she said, with a shrug. "But I'd trade it for some decent company." The words hung in the air like a challenge, and I couldn't resist the invitation.

Who are thou?
Oh, beautiful!!
That your thoughts captivate my soul
Your words have me in fetters
Still, I rejoice for knowing with you
My days will be better

My heart sings a song
Just like the whispers of a dove
It speaks of a writ written in love
Humming it's sweetness in me
Reaching out to you
Hoping that you will hear it too.

Our conversations were a delicate dance of wit and banter, two people learning the steps to a rhythm we hadn't quite figured out. We talked about the weather, the way the rain painted the sidewalks outside, and the children playing in puddles, their laughter echoing through the diner's windows. We spoke of school days long past, the sweet nostalgia of innocence lost and lessons learned the hard way. We shared stories of heartaches and triumphs, each one a thread weaving us closer together.

The diner's neon lights buzzed above us, casting a warm glow on our faces as we lost track of time. Our fingers brushed against each other, sending a jolt of electricity through my veins. It was in that instant that I knew she felt it too, the undeniable pull of something much deeper than friendship. We were two lovers caught in the crossfire of fate, dodging the bullets of life with every shared smile and whispered secret.
