

Jesus is the reason
Jesus is the reason I'm alive today...as I had a near death experience..I'm so lucky to be alive because of Gods eternal love and saving grace..

Today I want to live for God and save souls for Gods kingdom ..Jesus is a God who never forsakes His children. He is alive forever more. Jesus is the reason...we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. He died on the cross so our sins can be forgiven.

Jesus is the reason my life got brighter and better...I went through so many obstacles in life..but God turned my mourning into dancing and my sorrow into joy...

Jesus is the reason...we can gain eternal life..by believing in Him..So my advice to you is you maybe facing a difficult situation or having bad days.. or maybe perhaps you are experiencing good days...through it all..never give up..on God..He can get you through any problem in life..

Gods love is like an umbrella...Just as an umbrella shields us from the rain..so to does God shield us from lifes problems because He loves his children so much.

So keep the faith in God always. Jesus was born into the world ..not to condemn the world but to save the world. He is the Messiah...The only true God. So may you be blessed by my story...of a God who was crucified..He died on the cross and rose again..and is now seated on the right hand side of God.

Jeaus is the reason we can have life and have it more abundantly..May God bless you always.