

My breath
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand filled with blood,red blood stained everywhere on the ground by the time I saw,I got terrified,I was scared
I was stabbed from behind.
I couldn't speak,my throat choked
I stood there still, death was nearing,
it was painful,hard to believe my story was to end baselessly,I hadn't acquired anything yet in life. I was worthless still.
Thoughts of my friends, parents started circling in my head,I asked myself, 'Is it gonna end this way?', tears rolled down my cheeks,I was losing strength.
My eyes were closing.
I struggled for breath.
Will I ever be remembered?
Or just be forgotten after my last rites
Thoughts flashed so fast that I couldn't hold on one for long.
Now, nothing of all those mattered
I wanted to smile for the last time
I wanted to see my love for the last time.
I wanted to spend and live like I've never done before.
I wanted to restart my life.
Pain made me moan .
Everything was ending.
I tried taking my last breath.
when abruptly I was interrupted by someone from behind,
"Hey! what's up", Mohit smiled
My journal was about to complete for my readers at Writco.
I smiled,"Everything is fine", and replied.
