

lessons learned
when my grandmother fell in love with another man other than my late grandfather ..i felt angry ..nobody in my house knew ..that she has fallen in love again...i could have told anyone...and made a sunami in my little indian house...but i choose to keep quiet
As their love between them grew stonger ..i became more angry...
but when one day wen my grandmother had a fight with my mother... i saw her crying on the phone to her lover ..and after some minutes..he managed to make her smile and that day my anger left my heart...may be she needed friend...
and wen one day all were busy to go to office..when her love took her to clinic...i started like him...any way this goes on...
suddenly they had a fight like teenagers ..and they broke up...i didnt know why..i didnt ask..she seemed gloomy...they eventually broke up

but in the mean time i learned something..in this story i like to share what i came to know from my life

1) you can fall in love at any age...and 80 yrs old..you will still get butterflies

2) In love even though the other person hurts us ,we deeply love them back

3) you will fall in love many times in your life..that doesnt mean ...you only loved only one man sincerely....it simply means you have loved different person differently..at each varying depth..all true in heart

4) no matter how much you hurt someone...the reall love has the patience to forgive and kiss your forehead

5) sex is not a sin ...it is even a processs god has created...its holy...to be cherished with the one you love

6) plz ..learn to forgive..not for the other person..but for your own peace of mind

7) dont be afraid to dance in the rain...dont be afraid to sing infront of others..go on embrass yourself..while you can

8)once in a while touch yourself gently..as you would like someone to touch you...the way you want

bcoz at the end of life...we all had our bad journey and good journey ...but it is up to us to which side of the journey we look up to and cherish