

I'm Amber Jones age 21 living in UK, London I would like to share my story of success and how I met the gem of my life

It was a tedious Thursday afternoon and I slumbered in my cosy bed no sooner I fell asleep my phone started buzzing. Guess who it is.... Yes it's my bff Chloe who will never let me have a nap. I picked up the call and kept it at a distance,as she doesn't need a speaker to blow up my eardrums. She whooped in excitement and invited me for her 21st birthday party which will be held at THE IMPERIAL VENUE at 7:00pm that evening. I accepted the invite as I hadn't been for a party for a pretty long time. Beep! The call ended and I went back to sleep. When I woke up it was 6:00pm. Oh gosh!! I'm gonna be late! I ran into the bathroom, had shower and got ready. As I headed towards the gate I saw my friend Kavin waiting outside for me. Kevin has been with me since childhood . He offered me a ride to the Imperial venue. As we entered my gown got tangled with my heels and I ran into a young man. He saved me but when I looked up at him, he was "none other than"... To be Continued..

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