

final year (6)
Junie POV
     "Wait,what?"my eyes were as wide as saucers,and mouth agape like a fish.
I can't believe my ears,did I just heard her right,it has been few minutes since Henry dropped  that bomb about Noah and all his stupid apologies.I tired to wave it off surely was  joking,

    You heard me, henry said,
I blinked once,twice,trice,he want to be friends? You shitting me right now,Crawford?do I look like a toilet to you that you can shit on my face?"
      She laughed,he desperately needs a friend"

     WelI fuck,I don't know how to feel either even now part of me was terrible,terrible that he embarrassed me,he couldn't possible mean what he said.But the other part of me the one that likes to hope,and the one that was falling....falling for Noah yes,that part was trying to come out and I was barely holding on to her leash.

   What did you tell him?I asked
      Nothing,she shrugged,should I have said something?

    What...why nothing?
I can't befriend someone that broke my friend's heart.

  What the fuck henry"you're the weirdest,stupidest,most moronic person I've ever let my self befriend with,who the hell told you he broke my heart,even if he did,at least his trying to mend my broken heart,he might like me you know"I said grinning.
She sighed heavily,after a long pause,with a look on her face that told me that she'd had enough of my idiotic tendencies,I can't blame her for that.
    Come on,it doesn't make sense,she protested,look,we can't just accept that Noah Johnson so easily.
    You can't judge people you don't know,I replied with an eye roll,stealing on the fruit grape from her lunch tray.
Am not judging,she protested,
      How'd you feeling baby?
When I didnt respond,she gasped exaggeratedly.
Have you taken your drugs?


  Junie,are you listening?

We have a quiz tomorrow will you make it?

  "What",seriously,quiz on what? I asked

Birth control,think is biology,she replied with a shrugged.
I looked at her with a cheeky smile,

I know henry isn't good when it comes to studying,I honestly feel sorry for her,even if we spend more time together during class and studying at home during weekend,she still doesn't grab.she's my friend and am always here to help her.
  I'll be coming tomorrow,and make sure you prepare for the quiz,cause I don't want to be stuck with you for the rest of the year as partners, I said with a grin.

  Junie,thats unfair,we're meant to be,your my soulmate don't leave me,she replied with an unpleasant frown.right from grade one have been with henry she was my bestfriend,my favorite person,my sister we're always together,she knows everything about me and I love her.we've always been lab partners right from the beginning,even when Betty joined the trio,she was better off herself  she is always paired with some else,I love her too,most expecially her chocolate cake,she's a prof when making that stuff .
   I chuckle,looking at henry,do you have a crush on me,Henry,you always want to be with me,I don't do ladies,Crawford,I'm into guys not just any guys dear,guys like Noah Johnson,

Ewww,Junie you're so pathetic,
I wrapped my arm around her neck bringing her downward to perceive my armpit.😁😁

I hope you enjoyed it
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