

Selena was very sad at her time of departure . Finally she reached Mrs. David home..That was not less than a palace.. In that house only Dylan and her daughter lived and Dylan's wife came just to see weather some one alive or not .. Selena entered that house and Isabella was there to welcome her..
MRs. DAVID;- see Isabella! I got a friend for you!!!
ISABELLA;_ (she was only 4 years old and can't speak properly) Yoo! Yaa! "I gouch a flnd!" Yahoo ..

MRs David guided her to enter the house.. house was so grand and wide.

SELENA;_ Why don't you live with your son??
MRs DAVID:_ "No! I have my own house situated in Manchester! and am a business woman so I can't live here . am sure you will take care of my Isabella..But here are cook; Gardner; maids; Dylan's managers to help you.. don't worry you are not alone..."

After this she guided her about Isabella routine; her studying eating and playing time.. Now it was evening and Dylan reached home..Dylan was a serious business man. He hardly gave time to Isabella. MRs DAVID introduced Selena; new baby sitter.. Dylan was so tired .. He went to his room after taking meal.. At this time Selena felt weird about his attitude towards her daughter. She felt really very bad for Isabella that she had neither maternal love nor fatherly attention..In just two days she got attached with Isabella. She said to cook ; for her favourite meal and she gave her full attention to her.. Here Dylan had a very dry and tough routine therefore he was always on time to office but had not any time to return home. even sometimes after one day he returned home... Selena was so beautiful that anyone could fall in love with her but Dylan still can't observe such a malignant beauty in his own house.. However he had worries for her daughter..but he can't express that because of her wrong decision to marry Caroline ( her actress wife)
but he knew that new baby sitter is so responsible for Isabella . He was now relaxed from that side...
TO BE CONTINUED................
🔴readers must be waiting for their love story.. it's soon going to happen..
stay tuned..
written by Charlotte David..

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