

dnt defeat ur own dreams live to who u are dnt be fake
dear self
Trust im not i dnt believe u guys but to fake it an go theu all that an to portray they lies using all the medical to protray it is jus alil dissapointing all that u go thru fpr money 15 yrs an the fact u believe in fake shit like the devil or that i believe any of it is jus sad i see the lies always u cant lie to me i tolld u i jus watch the vidoes cuz there entertajning an id be home anyways so no change here i crh cuz i feel bad wen pplw lie to me all the time collectivly wen u say any of u bealeve in got or anything i dmt under stand y u guys do this to me wen ive give u all i have i have n othing no blankets not food no cloths nothing no moeny no frens u tolk all my ideas my trhoughts atiped me of it all wat have i done to u